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I am not going anywhere today.

And no one is coming here.

This calls for a day spent in a comfy shirt and track pants.

I think the kids and I will bake and frost cut-out Christmas cookies today.

What are you doing today?

Today’s 365 post: The pfeffernusse, they are done.

Joshua’s 365 post: Wow.

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Friday 23rd of December 2011

    I'm impressed that A) you paint your toenails in the winter and B) it is warm enough for you to go barefoot in your house. My bare toes only see the light of day long enough to get in and out of the shower and then into my bed! So you can guess how outgrown my nailpolish is by December 22!

    Hope you had a good day!


    Friday 23rd of December 2011

    ah I missed this yesterday, as when I went to read your post, it wasn't up yet. Yesterday i worked, picked up the kids, made them dinner, got the kids ready for bed, Made stocking magnets out of the foam stuff for the kids in there class, and helped them do a craft... put them to bed, made two loaves of bannan bread for a work bday party today, then when to finish two sewing projects for xmas, put a lable on the quilt I made for Christmas, then I had a few min to relax before bed! phew.... I am tired all over again!

    Tasmanian Minimalist

    Thursday 22nd of December 2011

    Lolling around, juicing and helping a mate after 6 pm. Yawn.


    Thursday 22nd of December 2011

    My husband and I took his parents to visit an old friend who is on hospice care. They all had such a wonderful time reminiscing about old times. Please don't hesitate to visit those on hospice care. They appreciate it so much. My mom was on hospice care for 4 months and played a great game of Scrabble the day before she died. We loved every visit.


    Thursday 22nd of December 2011

    Last day of school before vacation for the kiddos, so I went to "game day" at my son's preschool and a Christmas sing-along with my 1st grader. My high school daughter's birthday was yesterday so we still have some housekeeping to do to get everything back in order. Cookies are in the oven--I think we're going to have left-overs for dinner tonight....tomorrow will be gingerbread house making.

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