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Just some things (5, to be exact)

1. Lisey and I baked something super cute.

You should totally go take a peek (clicking on the picture and the link will open up a new window, so you can still keep reading here.)

2. We bought a mattress for Zoe! And set up her bed.

But I have not painted her drawers, and her new quilt hasn’t arrived yet either. So, pictures of the installed bed will have to wait until next week, probably.

3. I’m thinking about painting my cabinets white.

I’ve been a little nervous about the idea since my appliances are all black. But I’ve seen several showroom kitchens now that pair white cabinets and black appliances, so I might give it a go this summer.

I really don’t prefer my cabinets the way they are now, so I figure I don’t have a lot to lose.

4. I’m trying out a new online bank.

AbleBanking contacted me a few months ago to tell me about their new online bank. It’s a similar concept to ING, but AbleBanking has a really great twist on the online banking concept. Instead of spending a bunch of money on advertising, they give that money to you so that you can give it to your favorite charity.

You get $25 for your charity when you open an account, and every time the anniversary of your account opening rolls around, they’ll give you 0.25% of your average balances to donate as well.

You don’t have to pick from a predetermined list…you can donate to any (501c3) charity.

(Mine is so going to Living Water.)

I just got my account funded, so I haven’t gotten a chance to test-drive it much yet, but I’ll keep you posted as I use it.

AbleBanking is brand-spankin’ new, so if you’d like to get an account, you’ll just need to hop on over to their website and sign up to get an invite.

5. I don’t clean behind beds very often.

It was pretty bad underneath Zoe’s old bed.

Ooh, and if you look closely on the right side of the picture, you can see rows of dirty marks. The sides of a crib are sort of like dirt stencils. 😉

The walls and the floor are all spiffed up now.

Although, I think the walls really just need a good repainting. Zoe has never liked the pink (I picked it when she was an opinion-less baby), and I think something other than pink might coordinate better with her new quilt.

We’ll see.


Today’s 365 post: “I wish we could have these chairs at home, Mommy!” (spin, spin, spin)

Joshua’s 365 post: Falcon 9 Launch

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    Thursday 24th of May 2012

    I have brushed aluminum appliances (w/ black control panels), pine cabinets, and tan/brown/black granite countertops. It's a good combo for me. I've never liked white cabinets much.

    Where does AbleBank get the money to donate, I wonder? The possibilities I've thought of is either it's from their foundation (if they or parent bank Northeast have one) or by paying the customers less interest. Myself, I'd prefer to get all the interest and then donate the amount directly. If nothing else at least I, rather than the bank, would get the tax advantages. Your friend the old cynical coot, WilliamB.

    Mindy @ Debt Free By 26

    Thursday 24th of May 2012

    I've been wanting to paint my cabinets pretty much since the day we moved into our house. The problem is, first the walls need redone because apparently back in the day, it was cool to have fake bricks painted ugly brown stenciled into the walls. It's such a big project I just haven't had the time or gumption to actually do it. Maybe this will finally be my inspiration to do it...Love the idea of white cabinets, but I'm afraid they will get dirty too easily

    Heather :) :) :)

    Wednesday 23rd of May 2012

    I like white cabinets. It makes the room like light, airy and bigger :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)


    Wednesday 23rd of May 2012

    I'd recommend an off-white or beige for the cabinets. Ours are a really nice cream color and I love them. We have brick-red walls and it goes great. (I can't take credit for the colors - thanks previous homeowners). Our appliances are a mix of white and cream, and I think it all actually works well together. And a big black dresser that just got painted (thanks Kristen!) and adds some much-needed drawer space.


    Wednesday 23rd of May 2012

    I'm going to go an off white with my kitchen cabinets this summer. I figure that not having stark white will give me a bit of a mess leeway C:

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