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10 Things We DO Buy

Since I wrote about 10 Things We Don’t Buy last week, I though it’d be fun to do an opposite post this week.

Some of the things on this list aren’t things at all, so this would be more appropriate titled, “10 things we DO spend money on”.

But that ends with a preposition and it’s not as catchy.


1. Cameras

As you know, I dearly love to take pictures, so cameras are an area where I don’t mind spending money. I do save and pay for my equipment without incurring debt, though.

camera and laptop

2. Vacations

Even in our leanest years, Mr. FG and I have always managed to squirrel away enough money for a little vacation. The first year we were married, all we could swing was a staycation with a bunch of day trips, but ever since then, we’ve gone away for a week.

Our vacations aren’t fancy (we generally go off-season, we eat a lot of meals in our condo, and we enjoy as many free activities as possible), but they are fun and they provide us with time together.

3. Take-Out Date Nights

This is our way of getting a weekly date night without having to spend a whole lot of money. $20 and we’re done!

4. Local Shopping

Though we can’t afford to buy 100% local, we do often spend a little bit more to buy things from locally owned stores.

5. Toilet Paper

A number of people who responded to MoneySavingMom’s 7 Things We Don’t Buy post mentioned that they don’t buy toilet paper. So, I thought this was worth bringing up.

I will have to be in VERY desperate straits before I give up toilet paper.

‘Nuff said.

6. Haircuts (for some of us)

I don’t cut Mr. FG’s hair(I can but I’m super slow at it!) or my own, and Lisey and Zoe’s hair has gotten so thick, I’m just not up for wading through it all. So, I still cut Sonia’s and Joshua’s but everyone else gets a haircut somewhere else.

Fortunately, Lisey, Zoe, and I don’t need haircuts very often, so this isn’t as expensive as it sounds.

7. Laundry Detergent

I tried making my own back in 2008, but it didn’t work well at all. My clothes all smelled like stinky feet after a few weeks, and I haven’t been brave enough to try again.

8. Some new kid clothes

My kids have spent most of their lives in hand-me-downs and consignment/thrift-store clothes, but sometimes, I just can’t find what we need that way. So, I don’t mind buying new when necessary, though of course I do try to find sales and shop clearances.

9. Diapers (the disposable sort)

I’m cheating here because this was in the past, obviously. I’d always thought I’d cloth diaper, but then when Joshua was born, we were living in a home without regular access to a washer and dryer. And then one thing led to another and somehow I ended up going my whole parenting career without cloth diapering.

If I had it to go back and do over, I’m pretty sure I’d have started cloth diapering once we got access to a washer and dryer, but it’s kind of done now. 😉

10. Hmm…I’m kind of running out of ideas. Oh, I know! A dryer bill.

When I first started my blog, I was drying about 100% of our laundry on the line. But as life has gotten busier, this is one thing I’ve let slide to the side quite a bit. I still air dry a lot of things because I don’t want them to fade or shrink. But towels and sheets and hardy clothes (jeans, I’m looking at you!) go straight into the dryer these days.

I do still wash almost exclusively in cold water, so our laundry bill isn’t crazy high. 😉


How about you? Are there some things you choose to spend money on, even though they’re not particularly frugal?

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    Jen G

    Tuesday 18th of April 2017

    I have a big pile of white washcloths that I bought at Costco and I use for toilet paper. I don't require the rest of my family to participate in my cloth toilet paper project and they don't. :) It is not anywhere near as bad as washing cloth diapers. The reason it saves us money is that I was using a roll per day of paper just myself (busy bladder). Anyway, I love my cloths but I don't think it's a "have-to." We all cut corners in different ways. I love your blog! God bless!

    Tina Peters

    Tuesday 18th of April 2017

    My one extravagance is spending on good quality shoes and boots. I buy good quality leather and take care of my footwear. It is worth the invest in the long run. This is where less is more. Less pairs but more comfort and durability.

    Brooke Hart

    Tuesday 18th of April 2017

    I also had weird stinky clothes from homemade detergent . I use coupons on deals to buy better detergents but not the really cheap detergents. I don't buy Cadillac type TP because it disappears way to quickly . As usual, I have found a way to get my Scott tissue for free . I use ink cartridges rebated at Staples to buy the long lasting item. I won't give up our internet . We appear to have unlimited usage at 40.00 a month. All college school work is submitted this way. All entertainment is streamed . And of course , I coupon . Due to car wreck injuries ,our budget is extremely limited .

    Tammy kilgo

    Saturday 6th of April 2013

    Hi I found your site when looking for sights on painting furniture. I decided to browse through your blog because deep down I would so love very much to be frugal. I have shopping issues pretty bad that I'm trying to control. If I have it I think I should spend it basically. I am trying to improve this and it's hard but I will say I'm getting there. I did notice on this one article on things you do spend money on. I wanted to let you know though for hair cuts. At JcPenney EVERY Sunday they do free hair cuts for kids. That saves big time!!!!!

    Skirnir Hamilton

    Friday 20th of April 2012

    Our Splurges/What we value pay for 1. Education for our son 2. Music Lessons for each of us actually 3. Quality Tea 4. Good Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar 5. Good spices

    Yes, we both love to cook, my husband and I. So I coupon so I don't feel guilty about the other splurges and so I can try new products without spending much, as if I don't like them I would get upset if I spent much.

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