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Hi! I’m going to be here, sort of.

It’s August.

How did that happen?? When I was a kid, summers seemed almost endless, and now they seem to fly by in the blink of an eye.


It’s not that I’m particularly in love with the weather (I’m kind of over the whole 100+ degrees thing right now)…it’s the fewer-responsibilities schedule that I love about summer, and I’m sad that’s going to be over soon.

During the school year, I always think of things I’d like to do, and I mentally file those things away by telling myself that I’ll get them done in the summer.

I have gotten some of those things done, but not as many as I’d like to.

And some of those things are kind of pressing, (like, say, getting ready for our school year.

So, for the rest of this week, and maybe next week too, I’m going to pull back a little bit here on the blog in order to help myself cross a few things off of my to-do list. My 365 blog will continue on as usual (those posts are super easy and fun!), but the posts I do here may be a little simpler than usual. And I may miss a day here and there, so don’t worry that something horrible has happened to me if I don’t post. 🙂

Because I do a more rockin’ job of accomplishing things when I make my goals public, here’s what I want to get done:


-the linen closet
-Lisey and Sonia’s room
-the office (ack!)
-the laundry room

School Prep

-figure out what curriculum I’m using for everyone
-order the curriculum I need
-finish filling out our registration form (we’re using a new umbrella group, which is basically an alternative way of reporting to the county homeschool office)


-write a money email for August
-catch up on Quicken

Ebook (I’m writing one about ways to reuse, repurpose, and refresh old clothes)

-finish writing it (lots of odds and ends need to be done)
-send it off to be edited
-make a cover or hire someone to do it for me

I can get all that done this week, right??

Ok, that might be slightly ambitious, but I find that when I write ambitious to-do lists, I do get more accomplished than if I write a basic list or don’t write a list at all. Aim high, I say.

So, are you feeling the end of summer panic too? What’s on your get-done-before-summer-is-over list?


Today’s 365 post: I found this in the compost bin.

Joshua’s 365 post: Hallo, peoples!

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Wednesday 3rd of August 2011

    I cannot wait to see the repurpose clothing book!!!!!! I wish I could help you design a cover - because I am that excited to see it done - but I don't have alot of "skillz" in that arena. I would do it for free though if I could! Good luck this week!


    Tuesday 2nd of August 2011

    I have to wash my babies clothes before she is born! Then I have to wash and press our babies 2 bassinets. One for upstairs and one for downstairs. (I got them as gifts!) And all the before baby is born sort of thing. I did pack away and buy all the childrens school supplies. I have to buy maybe a few more clothings for the uniform school. And mainting a clean home... I don't have anyother heavy projects so I guess I'm pretty settled. :)


    Wednesday 3rd of August 2011

    Maintaining a clean home is something we can never cross off of our lists, huh?


    Tuesday 2nd of August 2011

    Here, we are supposed to be repainting and rearranging bedrooms in anticipation of our new baby that will be here in October. So far, we have 1/2 of a wall done. Yikes! (But I hope you make more progress on your goals than we have on ours :)


    Wednesday 3rd of August 2011

    Ooh, how fun! What a lovely reason to paint and rearrange.


    Tuesday 2nd of August 2011

    good luck with the goals. If you ate interested check out they are a tradtional publisher and they do ebooks as well.


    Tuesday 2nd of August 2011

    For office & closet organizing, I find that I'm more consistent if I have attractive boxes/bins to put things in. :) I've acquired a few clear snap-handle boxes for papers that seem to pile up...finances, church stuff, ideas for outings, etc. This way I at least have a place to put it, then can sort by date or whatever is pertinent.

    If I may offer a local suggestion for the Ebook you're working on, I've used these folks for some of my own creative interests: They're good at harmonizing the "big-picture" final product with the details along the way.

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