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Two questions for you

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Recently a reader emailed me to ask if I could talk my mom into writing a guest post for my blog. I asked my mom and she’s willing, but she’s said she’s not entirely sure what topic to choose.

So, I thought I’d ask you guys. What would you like to hear about from my mom? Do you want her to write something about homeschooling? Mothering? Organization? Cooking? Is there something you’ve always wanted to ask her about me?

Speak up if you’ve got an idea for a guest post from my mom (just leave it as a comment) and I’ll sort through the comments and present my mom with the most popular request. The more specific, the better. If you all have got a bunch of questions for her, maybe we’ll do a Q&A post with her.

Speaking of Q&A posts, a while back we did a Q&A post with Mr. FG and I’ve been wondering if you all would like to have another go at that. Do you wonder how he feels about certain frugal things I do? Or how he thinks about money? Or what it’s like to be married to a person who hates to spend money? (hee.)

If you’ve got a question you’d like Mr. FG to answer, leave a comment here, and he and I will put together an Ask Mr. FG Q&A post. 🙂

Oh, and while I’m here, I should let you know that there’s an interview with me up at Zingsphere with lots of varied questions. I think I misunderstood the blog visits question at the bottom, though…I thought I was supposed to submit how many I get per month, not the total number of blog visits. I’ve had a lot more than 190,000 page views by now (I think we’re over 3 million now thanks to all of you lovely people who visit me here).


Today’s 365 post: Zoe found this old picture…

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    Tuesday 6th of September 2011

    I would like to know what your husband thinks about homeschooling and was it hard to convince him to go that route?

    Katie Griffin

    Sunday 4th of September 2011

    Hi Kristen! Love reading your blog! I actually was going through Frugalgirl withdrawl, and we JUST got power back yesterday after Irene in Richmond, VA. Anyway, I was wondering, my kitchen is a disaster zone when it comes to organization. Do y ave any tips for organization? I have a whole cabinet of plasticware, where my family just throws it in,it would take two days to go through it. I don't have a lot of storage space in my kitchen, how do I maximize the small space?? Thanks for your help!


    Friday 2nd of September 2011

    For Mr. FG: 1. Since he was not homeschooled himself, how did learn about it and what made him decide he wanted his own kids homeschooled? 2. I know you have said that you are surrounded mostly by other frugal people. I wonder if Mr. FG interacts with more spendy-type folks at the office. If so, what does he say to them? (For example, if he's asked to chip into excessive gift-giving for birthdays, bridal/baby showers, etc. or if he is asked to go out to lunch or for drinks?) Before I became a SAHM mom, I worked in an office that was very spendy. Maybe it's different being a woman, but I felt a lot of pressure to chip in for showers and birthdays, and to dress a certain way, and even to "play" on the weekends in a way that could keep up with the conversations.

    For your mom: 1. Did she read any parenting books when her kids were little or does she have any good mantras? For example, I heard something recently that is helping a lot: "The behavior you notice is the behavior you get." Any nuggets of wisdom on guiding our children would be appreciated. 2. How did *she* learn to cook/sew/garden/be frugal? 3. I would like to know more about her garden. What does she grow? Does she compost? How much time does she spend gardening in a typical week? Is it a significant portion of her food?


    Friday 2nd of September 2011

    Can you ask your mother about womanhood. There is a womanhood to fully embrace which is not defined by motherhood.

    Mr. Frugal can blog for the dads occasionally. What do you think?


    Thursday 1st of September 2011

    How about a post on her favorite hobby to do or ect?

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