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Grocery Report/Menu Plan | My computer is back!

On Saturdays, I share my menu plan for the upcoming week along with a photo of my groceries and a tally of my spending. My goal is to spend $100/week for our food, toiletries, and cleaning products. I’m currently in the midst of trying to buy more local, sustainably-produced food while sticking to my budget. Can it be done? I don’t know, but I’m going to try, and I’ll share what I learn as I go along.

Oh, yes. Mr. FG got me all fixed up.

I had one of those fake anti-virus bugs that won’t let you access anything on your computer…it says it’s all infected, and if you buy this anti-virus software, then you’ll be in good shape.

Except, the fake anti-virus software is from, well, a virus.

Sneaky, these things are.

(in case you ever need to remove one of these things yourself, Mr. FG says it’s a pretty easy process, and this post from How-To Geek outlines the steps he uses.)

Fortunately for me, I never have to mess with this kind of thing. And I’m perfectly happy that way.

(because I feel the need for another parenthetical, I’ll add that this is the same type of bug that attacked my blog a few months back, but happily, it was my computer and not my blog that got the virus this time. And I know my blog is clean because the good people at Sucuri scan it several times a day for me. Love that. Such peace of mind.)

Anyhoo! Let’s talk about food.

I haven’t spent a ton at the store these last few weeks, but I sure made up for it this week! I spent $116.80 at Aldi and $76.74 at Weis for a total of $193.54. Fortunately, I bought most of what I need to last us two weeks, so this is not as dreadful as it might seem.

What are we eating this week?

For breakfast, we’ll be eating granola, cereal, fruit, yogurt, toast, or scrambled eggs.

Lunches (which we actually eat when most of you are eating dinner!) will be comprised of sandwiches made with whole wheat bread, homemade yogurt, yogurt smoothies, cottage cheese, fruit, raw veggies, nuts, cheese, and leftovers as necessary (well, Mr. FG eats leftovers for lunch pretty much every day.)

Here’s what we’re eating for our big meal of the day this week:



  • I think I’m going to do breakfast for dinner. Maybe french toast?





  • Shrimp and Avocado Lettuce Cups (I’m trying this out, but I’m going to seriously dial down the heat because my table is populated with heat wusses)
  • fruit salad
  • maybe chips and salsa


  • Pizza, homemade


Today’s 365 post: The third paint color fail


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    Sunday 13th of November 2011

    My husband (also an IT guy, almost has his degree) is awesome at battling those anti-virus virus things! If only his friend would listen to him! LOL and the heat wusses totally made me laugh out LOUD! :) Have a great weekend!


    Sunday 13th of November 2011

    I enjoy all your posts, but there was something in this one that was a bit confusing. You stated that you didn't eat lunch until dinner time. Does that mean you all only eat two meals daily? I can't see children going that long between breakfast and your dinner time lunch. Does that equate to a bunch of hearty snacks?


    Sunday 13th of November 2011

    No, no...I wouldn't even manage to live like that! We eat our big meal at lunch time, and then a more lunch-y meal at dinner. My husband's work schedule is a later shift, so we can't eat dinner with him in the evenings...we just do it before he leaves for work.


    Saturday 12th of November 2011

    I made the cheese bread this week to go with the baked potato soup and it is delicious!!! I was afraid I would mess it up since I don't have much experience with yeast breads but I'm glad I tried it. Thanks for both of those recipes as they will be used again. :)


    Saturday 12th of November 2011

    My kids are getting quite used to random photos of groceries and don't question me as I pile them high in the kitchen to take a snap now... however (and please don't take it the wrong way) my 3-year-old was just on my lap saw your photo and said 'What a mess!' it really made me chuckle. Although I have been photographing my supplies since reducing the grocery spend by 50%, I ran out of time today, but like Chloe we had a addition last week. Second-born made a poppy (for Remembrance Day) and she was so proud of it that it made an appearance last week.


    Saturday 12th of November 2011

    I have to know: You buy three bunches of bananas (as do we!). How long will those bunches last? Before a week has even passed, ours start turning brown and spotty and get to the veryyyy close point of only being good for banana bread.

    And the bottom right hand corner is my favorite. Pumpkin marshmallows. Bacon. Heath. Peeps? YUM!

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