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$0.50 Beauty

Remember my $0.50 plant from Aldi? When I bought it, I thought it was the sort that produced understated, downward pointing flowers (that’s all that were on it at the time!)

But nope. That bedraggled little plant I brought home is now sporting velvety purple flowers that are so lovely, photos really can’t do them justice.

Joshua’s 365 post: Lucerna

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    Tuesday 16th of October 2012

    I love shopping at Aldi or Lidl. It makes life so much easier. There's only one brand of each item, so there's nothing to choose from.


    Wednesday 10th of October 2012

    Beautiful! I found two hanging baskets at Lowes foods not long ago marked down to $1.50 each, which I thought was great, but $.50 is awesome! Turned out really pretty. I love good deals (I s'pose you do too since you're the frugal girl!)

    Glory Lennon

    Wednesday 10th of October 2012

    Violas! Just lovely and in your area they may actually come back as perennials if planted in the ground and mulched well before cold weather comes around. Might oughta try it. Be the frugal thing to do! :-)


    Tuesday 9th of October 2012

    I can't tell for certain, but I'm thinking these are violas. Pansies are larger. Anyways, I live in southwest PA in the mountains (crazy snow here), and my violas reseed every year. Look for seed pods. When they open, you can just scrape the seeds out and sprinkle them where you want them! $.50 may just give you flowers for years and years!!!


    Tuesday 9th of October 2012

    Oh, that's the difference! Yes, these are definitely smaller than pansies.


    Tuesday 9th of October 2012

    A beautiful flower. I love the richness of the velvety colour.

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