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Me: Mini golf used to be so much cheaper!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Mr. FG: Yeah, remember how it was only $5 back in 1998?


Sonia: Wow, was everything $5 in 1998?



Even though it was a little expensive, I’m glad we went. We haven’t taken the kids mini-golfing in years (it got to be a little bit not-fun when they were all small), and this time around, it was so much better. No one cried or had to go to the bathroom or needed to be carried, and everyone could handle their golfing pretty much on their own (although Zoe does engage in the sweep-the-ball-along technique every now and then.)

When we do stuff as a family of late, I keep thinking about how our crew is turning into quite a delightful group of people to hang out with. I mean, not that there aren’t delightful things about babies and toddlers, but our kids are lovely in a different way now and I think it’s good to appreciate that, just like it’s good to appreciate the snuggly-ness of very small people.

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    Maria G.

    Thursday 26th of September 2013

    Kristen, you know I fully support you! To my mind any kind of sport or sport games (whatever it is) help to bring up our children well, they are healthier and we don't have to worry about their mental activity too much. I'll explain :) I heard many facts that sport games (in your case it is mini-golf) help to increase level of creative thinking. Healthy active people can't be unintelligent. May I ask how old are your children?


    Tuesday 24th of September 2013

    I haven't been mini-golfing in years! I think I'm going to have to grit my teeth and pay the fee once my son starts walking and can enjoy the game. What a great family outing...despite the cost. :)

    Amanda @ The Desert Homestead

    Tuesday 24th of September 2013

    I'm still at the "cuddly tiny person" stage, and this post really put my mind at ease. My current baby may be my last, and I'm feeling really paranoid about missing ANYTHING, and very sad about potentially never having a newborn to nurse and cuddle again.


    Tuesday 24th of September 2013

    There are lovely things about every stage I've experienced so far, so yeah, don't despair. Tiny cuddly people are great, but great things are coming too!


    Tuesday 24th of September 2013

    Our Library has free movies and popcorn once or twice a year (mostly new released kid movies), some movies are played free, in the park, in the district, during the summer months, I do hate bowling and mini golfing being pricier. I do Chucky Cheese once or twice a year for $20.00 they play and eat (for 2 kids). Or better yet, I love nature walks by the creek, library visits, even tennis playing (I had some luck finding some cheap tennis rackets at Goodwill!)- all for free! All ages are happy (ok my toddler would probably be playing in the park while the others play tennis ;) ) O and cannot forget basketball! Otherwise find good coupons for bowling or mini golf... Do miss those...OK enough of me rambling on


    Tuesday 24th of September 2013

    The best is ahead of all you young moms. You get to see the fruits of your parenting labors!! And while I do miss the baby years, ( oh I do!) your kids as teens ( yep I said it) and young adults is fun, and awesome! And do not even get me started on the grand babies!! My oldest child is 34 years old today. No I cannot be old enough to have a child that age...hee hee, I started young, by today's standards, anyway. ENJOY, PEOPLE!! I look back and would've worried A LOT less, savored a little more, and been less hung up on the things that didn't matter. My family is like Kristen's, oldest boy, them three girls.


    Tuesday 24th of September 2013

    Yep...they turn into these cool people who are fun to hang out with. I like it.

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