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The road of simple living

Bluegrass music isn’t something you often hear around our house, but a CD I recently got (Hymns for the Christian Life) has a track about money, and so even though I might usually skip over a bluegrass-y track, this one piqued my interest.

Something about this song makes the words keep running through my head, and so although I didn’t think too deeply about them the first time I listened, I’ve heard the words over and over as my brain replays them.

One part in particular has stuck out to me:

O teach me, Lord, to walk this road,
The road of simple living;
To be content with what I own
And generous in giving.


I do think about contentment and simple living quite a bit, but sometimes I forget that one of the main reasons to live simply is to be able to give generously.

simple living

Living on less means I have more to give away.

And I needed to be reminded of that.

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    Thursday 14th of November 2013

    I won't lie. I struggle with both at times. I want to be frugal and not spend but then I want to spend on something and go back and forth and stress. Then if I decide not to buy because I'm trying to be frugal, I have a hard time giving something else away if I feel it has monetary value. I don't mind giving my time, love or whatever, but I sometimes balk at just giving away something if I could sell it and make a few bucks. It's a delicate balance for me at times.


    Wednesday 13th of November 2013

    Interesting. That's not my reason at all, although it's a positive side effect. I live more simply[1] to avoid being stuck on the hamster wheel.

    [1] I can't say I simply on an absolute scale, but I do on a relative one.


    Wednesday 13th of November 2013

    Sigh. The footnote should read "I can't say I live simply on an absolute scale, but I do on a relative one."


    Wednesday 13th of November 2013

    Beautiful lyrics played with simple chords.


    Wednesday 13th of November 2013

    really Beautiful music, thanks for mentioning.....


    Wednesday 13th of November 2013

    I love that album. The Gettys always have such strong lyrics in their songs, and this one is no exception! "And when I cling to what I have, please wrest is quickly from my grasp..." Great things to think about with Christmas giving and receiving coming.

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