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Morning tea

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture or two and just a few words.

whistling tea kettle

tazo chai tea bag

We drink almost nothing but water around these parts, but in the winter, a morning cup of tea with sugar and a splash of cream is a mainstay for us.     Brewed from tea bags, it costs very little even if you buy the slightly more expensive boxes of fun flavors, such as vanilla chai.

And it’s way less expensive than turning up the heat.   😉

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    Sunday 2nd of February 2014

    I forget that tea drinking is novel to Americans, and so are electric kettles. While coffee drinking is also popular in Australia, everyone here drinks a lot of black tea (and to a lesser extent, green and herbal teas), but iced teas are still relatively new. I've been making it over the past couple of weeks because we are in the middle of a heat wave and I can't face hot drinks as much, but even yesterday when it was 43 degrees (Celsius, I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit - bloody hot!) I still stopped in for a hot cuppa with my mum (Twinings, served properly in a cup and saucer, of course!).

    Glad to hear that you are enjoying it - there's nothing like it to relax and refresh.

    Frugal Fourteen

    Wednesday 29th of January 2014

    It's summer here in NZ so we are loving cheap, homemade iced tea :-)

    Diane C

    Tuesday 28th of January 2014

    Oh boy, I get to share a favorite tea and a frugal hack today!

    My favorite tea is not really tea at all. It's Tazo Passion, described on the box as "An exuberant herbal infusion of hibiscus, orange peel, rose hips and passion fruit flavors." It has no caffeine and is naturally sweet, so sugar is not needed. That's the yummy part.

    Here's the frugal part: I use a single regular-size teabag. (They make jumbo bags. Not those. Not frugal.) I add the teabag to my 4 1/2 cup (thrifted) teapot, fill with rolling-boil hot water (yes, I warm the pot first) and let it steep for about five minutes. I get a strong, fragrant pot of tea that wakes me up and reheats well in the micro, when there's any left.

    This works so well that I never put a teabag of any kind into an individual teacup or mug. I always get more yield if I make it in my little teapot with boiling water and then pour it out into my favorite mug. And repeat. It never gets bitter, probably because it's not actually tea and of course, there's no caffeine.

    Fair warning: I suspect it will send your sweet Sonia over the moon.

    Tina S.

    Wednesday 29th of January 2014

    I love Tazo Passion. I used their jumbo tea bags to make ice tea last summer (I often added some fresh peppermint when I brewed it). I drank gallons and gallons of this stuff - it is so good! I like it hot too.


    Wednesday 29th of January 2014

    Oh, I've seen that variety in the store but haven't managed to steer from my chai. I'll pick up a box next time.


    Tuesday 28th of January 2014

    I was hoping from the title ya'll would be drinking from that nice tea set your mother got your daughters for Christmas a couple of years ago! I love hot tea but I like my cups! :-)


    Wednesday 29th of January 2014

    Oh, my girls use their tea set on a very regular basis. It's not collecting dust!


    Tuesday 28th of January 2014

    Not a tea or coffee drinker, but I do love hot mulled apple cider and especially hot chocolate. Mmmmmm.

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