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One, Two, Three, Four…

Because I have some random things to share!


Since I’ve only recently gotten a smartphone, I was happy to see that David Molnar’s ebook on iPhone photography is free right now.

I’ve been having an awful lot of fun taking photos to share on Instagram (I’m thefrugalgirl on Instagram, of course), and I’m looking forward to learning how to better use my iPhone.

FREE eBOOK by David Molnar - Mozilla Firefox 5162014 65551 AM


I realized yesterday that I have a My Publisher Groupon that expires at the end of May.   Whoops.   Somehow I always put these things off until they’re almost expired.   Although realizing this two weeks prior to the expiration date is better than usual!

(Here are some of the books I’ve made with My Publisher.)


I read about a pretty neat company (Trade as One) on Tsh Oxenreider’s blog this week.   It’s basically a subscription that gets you four boxes of ethical, fair trade food per year for about a dollar a day.


Yesterday, I got an email saying that is being discontinued. (insert sad face)

(I wrote about recently.)

I have no idea why they’re shutting their doors, but I’m bummed out because I really liked the package I put together for myself.


I jotted down a to-do list this week and wrote, “Order pot.”

And only later did I realize how funny that looked.

all clad stockpot

I was reminding myself to order an All-Clad stockpot because I saved up enough Christmas and birthday money to make it happen.   Yay!   It should be here in a few days, and I’m so excited to have a non-warped pot.

This is sort of an odd time of year to buy a stockpot, as soup season is pretty much over, but oh well.   I’ll get to make the most of it when fall rolls around.


I had a $10 L.L. Bean promotional gift card that was due to expire soon, so I ordered a work shirt for Mr. FG and I remembered to go to TopCashBack first.   Yay, me!   I like that they offer 4% back vs. the 2% that  Ebates offers.

(Cashback sites are clearly not going to fund my retirement or anything, but if I’m already buying something, I’m not going to complain about a little 4% bonus.)

Also, I just noticed that I can get an extra 5% bonus on my earnings if I redeem for an Amazon gift card.   Sweet.


Oh, and here’s a 7th thing…Food Waste Friday is up at Simply Being Mum today.

Have a lovely weekend, frugal peoples!

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    A Frugal Family's Journey

    Tuesday 20th of May 2014

    Love the realism and personal touch you put into this blog...thanks or making the posts real and still entertaining. Btw, my wife loves eBates too! Free money for what you are already buying anyways, what's not to love. :)


    Tuesday 20th of May 2014

    Thanks so much for your encouragement!


    Monday 19th of May 2014

    Soup season is never over. ;-)


    Monday 19th of May 2014

    Now I do say that about grilling season...I'll grill in the dead of winter. But I do not want a pot of soup on a hot July day!

    Brandi K

    Sunday 18th of May 2014

    I've been looking into switching to stainless steel pans myself. I have the non-stick variety right now, and I know they're not good for you! I feel like I've read a bazillion reviews, but I'm leaning towards Tramontina. I found the blog post at the link below to be a really interesting comparison between All-Clad and Tramontina. All-Clad wins, but Tramontina isn't far behind and the price is great. Enjoy your new pan! I love getting new kitchen stuff!


    Friday 16th of May 2014

    I have that stock pot (actually, I have the whole set) it is 11 years old, used at least weekly, and still looks brand new. I love All-Clad!


    Friday 16th of May 2014

    I have one of those. It's thorough overkill for making stock[1] but great for making soup, when you do want to saute stuff before you simmer it.

    Speaking of overkill - have you ever seen a restaurant kitchen's gear? Often the pans are battered, uneven, warped, you name it. Amazing that they make such good food on such ratty pans.

    [1] Making stock is essentially just simmering a lot of water and some ingredients for several hours. It doesn't matter if the bottom is warped or heat doesn't convey well - with stock it'll all work out.


    Friday 16th of May 2014

    The warped pot drives me BONKERS when I'm trying to make a creamy soup...only the middle of the pot gets hot, so that part scorches while the sides don't get hot enough.

    So looking forward to avoiding that in the future!

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