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more of the same

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

I’m pretty sure I could take a picture like this every summer day.

summer reading

  (Sonia in the same spot, doing the same thing.)

I am so blessed to have a house full of readers.

Sure, we encourage reading around here, but nurture can only do so much, and I realize that I shouldn’t take for granted that all four of mine have a reading nature that responds to nurture.

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    Friday 11th of July 2014

    What a great picture! Makes me think of my childhood and makes me smile. The love of reading transcends age and time.

    Katie | The Surly Housewife

    Thursday 10th of July 2014

    How sweet!! My youngest is a "reader" even though she can't even read yet lol.


    Friday 11th of July 2014

    Zoe was JUST like that. As a toddler, I'd always find her sitting on the floor or in the bed with a big pile of books around her.

    She ended up being a very early reader and I didn't have to do much work at all to teach her how to read. Maybe your youngest will be like that!

    Deb @ Saving the Crumbs

    Thursday 10th of July 2014

    I bet you wish you had a few minutes to do something like that more often! :-)


    Friday 11th of July 2014

    Oh, yes. To have lots of free hours to just read? That would be epic.

    I did get to do that when I was a kid, but now I have more responsibilities and much less free time!

    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Thursday 10th of July 2014

    Yay to your kids,Kristen!


    Thursday 10th of July 2014

    I have one reader, out of two kids I'm trying with my 7 yr old! and I try to keep good books in front of my 13 yr old, have you any suggestions on some good clean books for 13 yr old boy?


    Friday 11th of July 2014

    Artemis Fowl series; Mike Lupica (sports themes); Rick Riordan; John Grisholm (has a series for kids); Hunger Games trilogy


    Thursday 10th of July 2014

    I'll check with Joshua for more ideas, but I know he really enjoyed the Percy Jackson books.

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