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I guess I’m…a dance mom now?

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Zoe has been quite into dancing (on her own) since she was a toddler, and since her love hasn’t seemed to fade over time, we finally decided to get her into a beginning ballet class.

ballet shoes

Sonia decided she’d like to give it a shot too.

We signed them up for what will hopefully be a fun, relaxed ballet class and we’ll just see how it goes.   I don’t expect either of them to become world-class ballerinas, but I think they’ll have a good time trying something new.

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    Thursday 11th of September 2014

    Both my Kids dance (Daughter and Son). Not ballet though. They absolutely love it and what they have learnt, and can do, has exceeded my expectations beyond anything I could have imagined. But what I didn't foresee was the priceless enjoyment I too would get from it. Not just me but my extended family. Dance as an activity can be expensive but for me it's about spending mindfully. I'd rather forgo spending on something else to support them in this.

    I'm really looking forward to following Zoe's journey. It sounds to me like she has a passion for it.


    Wednesday 10th of September 2014

    My daughter has taken dance since she was 4 years old. She was a very shy child and it did wonders for her. She made great friends and learned a lot about herself. She is 18 now and in a college dance group at her University. I have been following your blog for a long time now and I can tell your kids have thoughtful, intentional parents that love them. I am excited for your daughter and your adventure. Ignore the negative comments about homeschooling-- if anyone has even followed your blog for a week they would see how well balanced and socialized your kids are! Enjoy. Look forward to update. Watching her watching a video of ballerinas I have a feeling in May be in her heart and you may be in for the long haul. Lol! Enjoy!


    Wednesday 10th of September 2014

    Thank you for your encouraging words!

    Annie W

    Tuesday 9th of September 2014

    Dance classes are so good for kids even with no professional ambitions! I studied balled for 15 years seriously, and even now as an adult and mom I love to take ballet classes just for fun and exercise. Ballet can help with math skills, poise, posture, concentration, confidence, it can help if they play musical instruments. It's not a "cheap" activity but the benefits long term can be so great! Even though I never went professional, I have no regrets from taking ballet for so long.

    Jennifer N

    Tuesday 9th of September 2014

    And me with my two boys... and the older one just wants to play soccer. The little one is too young to know, yet, but maybe?

    I remember taking dance at around 4. The actual class bored me to tears, but I LOVED my ballet slippers and leotard. I remember feeling so beautiful in them! Good luck to the girls - I hope they love it!


    Tuesday 9th of September 2014

    Let's hope they don't, it's a grueling and very restrictive life! But awesome exercise!!

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