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Ballet Feet

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.


Sonia and Zoe are a few weeks into their ballet class now, and so far, they are loving it.

I know I’m biased, but I think they make a pretty cute pair in their ballet outfits.   😉

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    Monday 13th of October 2014

    Love this so much! As a former dancer, I can not say enough about how much dance classes made me a more confident young woman! I met such wonderful people, had lots of dance teachers and older dancers to look up to, and learned so much about stage presence and confidence in front of people. What a gift you are giving your daughters!

    My favorite words of wisdom from my former dance teacher (that I still rely on today!)...She gave me a compliment about how beautiful I was on stage. I covered my face in embarrassment. And she looked at me and said "Don't cover your face. It's a compliment. Smile and say thank you!". This happened when I was a teenager and as a 28 year old woman I STILL take her advice to this day!


    Friday 10th of October 2014

    I wasn't going to say this because I hate nosy Parkers and then I saw the photo again and decided I had to: both your girls look like they have their feet turned out too far (which is really really hard on your knees - I speak from experience!).

    Good turnout takes time to develop for most of us (even the best ballerinas start out with small turnout) and it's very important not to rush it. Please tell your girls to remember that they should always keep their toes in line with their knees - they'll be safer but also stronger and better balanced. Do feel free to email me anytime if you have ballet questions....


    Friday 10th of October 2014

    Oh, ok. I know NOTHING about ballet and I think my girls are only on their fourth class at this point. I'll tell them this (and I assume their teacher will also fine tune stuff like this later. At this point, I think she's just happy if they are all doing some close approximation of what she's telling them to do!)

    Laura Vanderkam

    Thursday 9th of October 2014

    Have you done a post on a frugal approach to children's activities? I'd imagine some studios are cheaper than others, and some ways of getting equipment and uniforms are cheaper too. YMCA classes have been pretty reasonable.


    Thursday 9th of October 2014

    I love the untied shoelace :)


    Thursday 9th of October 2014

    So lovely. Hope they're enjoying it! We've just 4 weeks till a big deal in dancing for us and we're pretty excited!


    Thursday 9th of October 2014

    Ah yes, you are much farther along this ballet path than we are. We won't have a performance of any sort until spring (a fact which makes Sonia and Zoe happy because they don't feel at all confident in their skills yet!)

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