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Many Miscellaneous Musings (and I need your input on something)

As of this past Friday, we are officially on Christmas break from homeschooling.


It’s pretty early, I know, but we are nearly halfway through most of our curriculum (and we’re certainly not halfway through the school year date-wise), so I’m feeling fine and dandy about taking our usual three-week Christmas break.


I’m very happy to have a little time off before Christmas to get things squared away and to do some fun things like baking pfeffernusse.


Because I still regularly fail at making hyperlinks (despite having blogged for six years now. Ahem.), I forgot the http in the Schoola links I gave you in my last post.

owl shirt

I fixed em, but all you email subscribers probably got an email with broken links.

Sorry about that!

Here’s a for-real link to Schoola.   And when you make a purchase there, use code TFGHOLIDAY to get 30% off through 12/19.


The calendar I made for Mr. FG’s grandma arrived!

adoramapix calendar review

I ordered it from AdoramaPix this year, and the print quality is just as marvelous as the AdoramaPix photo books.

The only thing I’d change is that I’d order a more matte paper next time.   The gloss is fine on the photo part, but the calendar side of the pages is really glossy too, and I think it would be hard to write on.

glossy adoramapix photo calendar

Fortunately, Mr. FG’s grandma doesn’t usually write on the photo calendars I give her…she just hangs them up on her bedroom door and enjoys the pictures each month.   So I think it will be fine.

I usually do one photo per month, but I mostly did collages this year so that I could give her more than 12 photos.   I think she’ll like it (because what grandma doesn’t want more photos of her grandchildren??)


Zoe took her jeans off in a hurry the other day and broke the button.

broken kids jeans button


But remember when I replaced the button on my jeans last year?

Well, the seller mistakenly sent me a package of small buttons first before sending me the correct size.   I kept the small ones (the seller didn’t want them back!), and they turned out to be perfect for Zoe’s jeans.

kit for fixing jean buttons

So, I snapped one on.

how to fix button on kids jeans

Good as new.

replacement jeans button

(More details about doing this are in my post about how to replace a broken jeans button.)


Are you guys interested in a felting kit giveaway? The kits are super cute, but are a little more expensive than the ones from regular craft stores (especially if you use a 40% off coupon).

Penguin Woolbuddy Kit - Mozilla Firefox 12152014 72225 AM

I love to help you all with your Christmas shopping, so I’m totally happy to do a giveaway if you want.

I can go either way…if you all are sick to death of giveaways, let me know!   Or if you are dying to win an adorable felting kit, say so.   😉


Speaking of giveaways, we made Christmas cookies on Sunday, and you know what that means:

The annual guess-the-cookie-artist contest is coming up!

frosted Christmas cookies

(The cookies in the contest photo are rarely this demure. In fact, they usually have eyeballs. 😉 )

I’ll take a photo of six cookies, one made by each person in my family, and the first person to correctly guess the cookie artists will win a $50 electronic Amazon gift card, purchased by me.

(This is harder than it sounds…last year, no one got it completely right, so the closest person won.)


I think that’s all the miscellany I have for the moment.   Do weigh in about the felting kits, if you wouldn’t mind.

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    Wednesday 17th of December 2014

    Wow.... keep going with the giveaways, just love them. Penguin is sooo sooo cute :)


    Monday 15th of December 2014

    I'd totally enter a giveaway for a felting kit. I love the giveaways you have on your website. :)


    Jo in RI

    Monday 15th of December 2014

    Yes to the giveaway. It feels like decades since I've won something, and my girls would simply love it!


    Monday 15th of December 2014

    Yes to the felting kit giveaway! I'm working on our calendars now for our Christmas gifts.


    Monday 15th of December 2014

    Yes, love your giveaways! Merry Christmas!!

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