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The Christmas of sickness

I don’t think it’s ever happened to us around Christmas before, but we’ve had a lot of this:

Christmas pneumonia

And this:


I think everyone is finally on the mend now (and so far I haven’t gotten sick), but whatever this bug is, it is slooooow to leave (at least, once it develops into pneumonia and bronchitis!).

Fortunately, on Christmas morning, everyone did feel well enough to open gifts.


Something that makes my heart happy: the genuine excitement all four of our kids have over giving gifts to each other and watching each other open presents.


It actually seems to supersede their excitement over opening their own gifts, and I’m so grateful for that.   It’s not that they lack enthusiasm over their own gifts or anything…just that giving has seemed to naturally become slightly more exciting.



Pretty sure my favorite thing is this adorable All-Clad 2 quart saucepan.

I love it.   And I might be drumming up reasons to use it.

“Anyone want some soup?   Cream of Wheat?   Oatmeal??   Anyone??”


Katy texted me to ask if the velvet gift bags were out (but of course!), so I sent her photographic proof.


Sonia and Zoe felt well enough for a while to try out Zoe’s new window markers.   Sonia bought them for her a few months ago when she and I found them on clearance at the grocery store.   😉



And I made caramel monkey bread for breakfast, though appetites were small.




As per usual, we spent the day in our pjs, which, let’s be honest, is how pretty much every day has been here during the plague’s residence.

We made crepes together, as is our tradition.


We ate them with fruit and whipped cream and chocolate pudding.


Plus sparkling juice (from Aldi, of course) and sausage from a local farm.


It’s not exactly traditional, but it’s our tradition, and I like it.   Tasty, a little unconventional, and so little work for me, which means that I get to spend Christmas Day relaxing, not cooking.


Moving on from Christmas…my house has fallen into a state of disarray (I handily blame it on the plague.), so I’m gonna try to whip it back into shape this week before school starts again next week.


Any of you want to join me?   I’ll blog about my progress this week (because organizing/decluttering is way more fun when you get to share your results) and we can cheer each other on.

Or you can just have fun looking at the messes in my house.

The four main things I need to work on are the office (see above), the laundry room, the kitchen, and Sonia/Zoe’s room.   I’m probably the least inspired about the kitchen (I am positive I’m gonna find some food waste in my fridge what with all the sickness!), so I’m committing to tackle that first.   Wish me luck!

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    Amary Right

    Friday 2nd of January 2015

    Love your posts, Kristen. Merry Christmas to your family. Second the above idea for a crepe demo/recipe. I know you are a Cooks illustrated fan; my kids love the cooks country recipe for heavenly hots. This is their fave pancake of all. We had them one morning over the holiday. One of my kids loves to man the griddle for these, he is 8. May God bless you all in the new year!


    Tuesday 30th of December 2014

    Could you share your recipe/process for making crepes? I have been wanting to make them but never have. Maybe it would be a good New Year's Day tradition for us :)

    Katy @ The Non-Consumer Advocate

    Tuesday 30th of December 2014

    I love the crepes for Christmas dinner. Almost as easy as our Chinese-food-in-a-restaurant annual Christmas dinner. Almost . . . but not quite!


    Tuesday 30th of December 2014

    The pantry closet needs to be reorganized to make room for the Belgian waffle maker we got. I'm sure there is a vase or two that could be given away. Also, my office/craft/sewing/extra storage space needs a good purge/organization. The shredder has been working overtime:)


    Monday 29th of December 2014

    We were sick on Thanksgiving and the following two weeks. The funk going around is BRUTAL this year! I can't believe how many people it's taking out. The week before school let out there were at least eight students out in each of my boys' classrooms. Glad to hear that your family is on the mend! :)

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