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I love sunlight.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words; a 104 project instead of a 365 project.

Pretty much every morning, no matter the weather or time of year, as soon as it’s daylight, I open all the curtains and blinds.

sunlight through curtains

I don’t really care that it’s super cold outside or that the uncovered windows let in some chilly air.   There’s sunlight to be had behind those curtains, and that is all that matters to me.

(Even if it’s overcast out, I still open the curtains because a little daylight is better than none!)

I know some people are the opposite of me and hardly ever open their window coverings. How about you?

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    Saturday 23rd of November 2019

    I open mine every single day !! Wakes me up! Let’s me know it’s a new day and more hours to work hard :).

    Tina Ray

    Friday 30th of January 2015

    I close window coverings at night. However, during the work week I keep the living blinds closed because I am not there to enjoy the light and it keeps the cold at bay. However, my dining room blinds I open so my plants can enjoy the sunlight. When I get home from work (if it is light enough) I will open the living up until dark.

    Wendy @ Ladybug Daydreams

    Thursday 29th of January 2015

    I open the living room curtains, but don't typically bother with the rest of the house. We have a huge picture window in the living room, and a pretty open floor plan, so that one window lights the living room, dining room, and kitchen nicely :). Since those are the rooms we spend most of the day in (I homeschool my kids too), those are the ones that matter to me.

    Liz @ Economies of Kale

    Thursday 29th of January 2015

    It depends - if I'm out of the house all day I do tend to keep the curtains closed (mainly because I'm lazy), but when I'm home I definitely open them :)


    Thursday 29th of January 2015

    We have tons of natural light from extra large windows. I got some white energy saving sheers and ots kinda blinding! Its a good problem and I am glad cuz those windows are not super and will let in a bit of chill completely bare. Still, if company comes we open it all up becsuse its just a lot prettier.

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