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What should I do with a dry lemon? (Also, it’s Food Waste Friday!)

I do have a question about a lemon but first up, here’s a half full jar of tomato sauce that got moldy.   Whyyy did I not freeze this?   Why??

moldy tomato sauce

Next up is something that is sort of not my fault. My produce box delivery service lets me opt out of things I know we hate, so when I signed up, the first thing I checked off was eggplant.

Something got screwed up with my delivery one week, though, and I got a dreaded eggplant.   I put it in the fridge, hoping some inspiration would hit me, but it did not, and the eggplant got moldy.


I just really, really do not like eggplant, not even when it’s fried and covered in cheese and tomato sauce.

And since there are very few foods I don’t like, I’ve kind of made peace with the fact that eggplant is not for me.

I sorted through two bags of grapes that were going south, took out the bad ones, cut the soft tops off of others…


and then I froze what I saved.

frozen grapes

My kids like to eat frozen grapes, and I can throw them into smoothies as well.

To wrap things up, here’s what my fridge looks like right now.


Except actually it’s a little emptier right now because we finished up the lettuce last night after I took these pictures.


Underneath the lettuce, though, lie three beets plus a big bunch of brocco-leaf (which, as I understand it, is just the leaves of the broccoli plant).

I know I can use the beets in a smoothie, but the brocco-leaf is makin’ me a little nervous.   I may try a little in a smoothie and see how it goes.

Maybe it would work in Zuppa Toscana?

If you have brocco-leaf advice for me, share away, because I need some help!

Oh, and the other thing I’m wondering about:

dried lemon

Someone Who Is Not Me put this lemon away uncovered, so it’s pretty dried up, at least on the outside.   I feel like you guys had some good ideas for lemons last time I encountered something like this.   A cleaning idea?   Or a polishing idea?   I can’t remember.

Anyway, I did not compost it yet because I was hoping you could share your ideas with me again.

Alright.   Hit me with brocco-leaf and lemon advice!

(Also: how did food waste go at your house this week?   We want to know!)

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    Saturday 22nd of May 2021

    I use my dried out lemons in tea! I accidentally let my lemons dry out. I just roll them till they soften and slice in half. They’re great in hot tea. They’ve not gone bad, they’re just dried out and hard. But I find them still juicy inside.


    Tuesday 4th of May 2021

    Use broccoli leaves like kale. My personal favourite, chop or slice, stir fry in butter for 2-4 min ( they should be bright green, taste as you cook) add some lemon juice and serve immediately. Add a dallop of sour cream for a great bonus.

    Broccoli stem: this is lovely. Trim the bottom and peel off any tough skin from the bottom up. Use a peeler or short knife to start the first cm, then hold that and peel upwards and it will break naturally where tender. 1. Cut lengthwise to match width of the florets' stems and cook together 2. Slice 0.5-1 cm, fry, add to salads, use as water chestnuts or munch while cooking. I feed them to kids while cooking dinner as a emergency snack when they are starving while I cook. 3. Slowly fry in butter until nearly caramelized then toss in florets and fry. Or carmalize with carrots etc.

    Cauliflower leaves: slice down both sides of stalk. Slice stalk and stir fry, or cook like pak choy. Also great add a snack. Slice the leaves and briefly fry or cook lightly as you would white cabbage.

    Bonus, for anyone who grows Kale. The best part of kale comes up in February/March. When the following shoots start to appear watch daily. When at least 2 inches pull the shoot down top snap at its base with attached baby leaves. As weather warms you will get a prolific harvest of tender shoots, cook add wok or early sprouting broccoli. We all ate them raw right off the plant while gardening. Harvest before the flowers open, wether you can use them or not and they will keep coming. Then you have to check them twice daily, they can grow inches overnight.


    Saturday 14th of November 2020

    Lemon, if you steep it in vinegar you can then use it as a cleaner. You can also dry them so if it isn't too far gone, you could do that, powder it and use the powder for cooking.

    Brocolli leaves, I chop them finely (I do the same with kale) and add it through everything.. risotto, soup, casseroles, stews. If I have excess from the garden I dehydrate it, add it to a snaplock bag and crumble it and can add a spoonful into all sorts of things eg savoury mince to add some extra vitamins. Also absolutely delicious if sauteed in a little butter with salt and pepper and a little garlic.

    Amelia Mansell

    Wednesday 11th of December 2019

    What about boiling the lemons and using the lemon water to mop the floor with Or save the boiled lemon-water in a bottle and add it to your rinse cycle

    Crystal W.

    Friday 20th of February 2015

    You can freshen up your trashcan, too! Lemon is great for removing odors so if you scrub the inside of your trashcan with lemon it will smell really fresh! I love doing this because the trash bin is in the kitchen and I hate when it smells! Greets, Motspur Park Carpet Cleaners Ltd.

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