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About that freezer below the fridge…

Every other Friday, I post about my food waste. I started doing this back in 2008 to help motivate me, and I’ve kept up the habit ever since (mainly because I still need the accountability!)

You know how I did that freezer challenge last fall?

And remember how my freezer was looking AWESOME afterward?


Well, uh…

crammed freezer

It’s gotten a wee bit out of control again.

freezer challenge before

I haven’t taken all the contents out and logged them yet, but I think it’s gonna need to happen. More on that in the coming week.

(I know.   Such a riveting promise.   Try to be patient.)

On the upside, though, I didn’t have anything to throw away this week.


And my fridge isn’t even in scary shape either.

freezer challenge before

I’ve got a few leftovers in there, but I think we’ll get through those just fine.

And the vegetable situation isn’t TOO dire, although I really, really do need to cook that broccoli rabe from my produce box.

fridge innards

So.   Fridge is good, freezer is not so good.

But I’m gonna work on that.


How’d things go on the food waste front at your house?   Tell us! and/or link us up if you blogged about food waste.


P.S. I’m gonna be back this afternoon for a fun giveaway that’ll help you get your photos off your phone and into a little photo book.   So, pop back in later!

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    Friday 17th of April 2015

    I'm suprised it took me so long to notice... but I have the same fridge ands requiring a bit of cleaning as well.


    Friday 10th of April 2015

    I had a terrible food week. Both my husband and I have been sick, me (aka the chef) for a full week. So much produce to throw away. I actually tried to eat some food out of the freezer, but it was so iced over I ended up tossing it out. It hadn't even been there for very long! The cheapie fridge/freezer at our apartment has the habit of eating our food much more quickly than our old fridge. Thankfully, we are both now starting to feel better. I'm ready for some home-cooked food again!


    Friday 10th of April 2015

    In case you need a recipe for your broccoli rabe, try this:

    It is SO good! (With regular fettucine ... no need to buy the fancy stuff.) Quick, easy, delicious. Add some browned italian sausage or pan seared herbed chicken if you have diners in need of meat to complete the meal.


    Friday 10th of April 2015

    I had to throw out two tomatoes with a few black mold spots. Leftovers are usually used up, but I really need to check the vegetables every week. Our freezer is fine. I really try to use up all leftovers because I know if I freeze them, I will forget about them/have to keep track of them. Great job on no food waste this week!


    Friday 10th of April 2015

    Wasted: nothing. I think.

    At Risk: - Half a bouquet of cilantro, intended for kefke that I haven't made yet. - Scallions, purchased by my roommate ... right before he left for 10 days vacation. (Yes, I made fun of him for this).

    Save: - Using the last of the french toast batter to make a sort-of crepe. The CI version has flour in it, otherwise it would have been a sort-of omelet.


    Monday 13th of April 2015

    Found a waste: 1 c. cottage cheese, that went bad.

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