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Allllrighty. September goals! By request!

When I posted my summer bucket list wrap-up, I mentioned the idea of a monthly to-do list as a regular feature around here, even during the school year, and a lot of you said yep, you’d like to read that.

chalkboard wall

And since publicly posting my goals is super-duper helpful to me, this seems like it’ll be a winning feature. You’ll be happy, and I’ll get things done.

Which in turn will make me happy.

It’s all good.

My school-year goals are gonna be smaller scale than, say, painting and redecorating Sonia and Zoe’s room, but hey, small bits of progress are better than no progress, right?

So, let’s see. What do I think I could accomplish in September? I think I’m gonna try to make this a mixture of work AND fun because my personality has a strong work ethic but not such a strong fun ethic.

(Which means that if I put “do a fun thing” on my to-do list, then I actually get around to fun things. Because then it’s sort of like a task and I can do tasks.)

(Yes, I know that sounds pathetic. But you gotta do what you gotta do, given the personality you’ve been given.)

Wow.   I am taking a realllly long time to get to the goal-setting part of this post.

I think I’m actually ready now.

1. Get an estimate for the stair-refinishing project.

Mr. FG and I started on this project, ran into some road-blocks, noticed we were out of steam (the fact that the stairs sat untouched for two months clued us in), and decided to see about hiring someone.

stain stairs

(Please let the price be reasonable!!)

2. Cook once with each kid.

Four kids, four weeks….that seems doable, right?

3. Go on four bike rides with my kids.

I did pretty well with taking my kids to the pool during the summer months (we went five times last week!).

walking back from the pool

But, given that the weather’s about to change, I’ll need a different outdoor fallback activity.

And since biking isn’t that fun when the heat and humidity are both in the 90s, fall seems like a good time to do this.

4. Do a plan-a-month session.

I’m not a very spur-of-the-moment person, which means that I function better if I make a big plan all at once rather than taking each day as it comes.

(That makes me feel panicky.)

So.   I want to plan all of my meals for the rest of September, plan church music for the rest of the month, and plan S&Z’s history and science for the rest of the month (those two subjects are the main ones that require me to do some prep.)

5. Pick carpet and get it installed.

I really wanted to get this done this summer, but oh well.   I did at least get the girls’ room painted, which was definitely a thing I wanted to accomplish before school started.

We just need to get carpet in the kids’ bedrooms, as all the other flooring in the house is either wood or tile now.

carpet color choices

We have beige carpet right now, but given that all of the kids’ rooms have cooler-toned colors (gray, silvery gray-blue, and a slightly cool aqua), I’m thinking that perhaps we should go grayish rather than beige.

(If you have thoughts on this, do share!)


I think that’s about all I can probably handle this month, given that school is starting and that’s a big adjustment in and of itself.

I’ll report back at the beginning of October to let you know how this went.

If you want to join me, share a few goals in the comments, and then you can update us at the beginning of October too!

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    Lisa Materna

    Wednesday 12th of July 2017

    Please share the gray carpet you chose: color name and maker. Thanks


    Thursday 19th of August 2021


    I’m trying to make a decision in carpet now. What did you decide?


    Wednesday 12th of July 2017

    Oh man, I don't remember the details. I'm sorry!

    Elizabeth Vega

    Wednesday 9th of September 2015

    I love it! Monthly goals!

    I'd like to do a freezer cooking session.

    Attend a fun community event (I tend to talk myself out of them, because there's always so much work to do!)

    Get deputized to register Texas voters.

    Watch The Civil War on PBS. It's hard to sit still for that long, but I remember it was such a good series!


    Wednesday 9th of September 2015

    Definitely gray! And maybe take a good look at some flecked samples.


    Tuesday 8th of September 2015

    I am a fan of the warm grays in general. It looks like the wall color could go that direction while the large gray sample is a little more cool. Are the hardwood floors in the hallway outside the rooms? Be sure to think about the transition there too. It should be a soft visual transition from the hallway to the bedroom, not too harsh on the eye. I would take a look at the Flor tiles, they are for commercial and residential and the lines have come a long way. You may find something that is in the traditional contemporary vein of your style! Good luck!


    Tuesday 8th of September 2015

    Definitely gray! We went with a gray/brown combo in the basement and I love it! It's so dirt friendly. Ha ha!

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