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Five Frugal Things


1. I paid a dental bill.

This is frugal because, hello, late fees are decidedly not fabulous.

dental bill


Thankfully, we have a medical account among our multiple savings accounts, so that’ll cover this.

2. I used up egg yolks.

I made Parmesan-Crusted chicken the other night, which calls for 3 egg whites, which meant I was left with 3 yolks.

egg yolks

So, I used them instead of the two eggs called for in my whole wheat roll recipe.

whole wheat rolls

The results were quite delicious.

3. I stuck to my list at Target.



There’s a prize for that, right?

Mr. FG needed eye drops, and I needed a few items for dinner, so I popped in.   And that, dear reader, is all I bought!

(Stuff for dinner, plus eyedrops)

I didn’t even buy a box of fun tea bags, which is a typical Target weakness for me.

4. I ate leftover Brussels sprouts

The salad with the warm bacon dressing?   It’s pretty decent leftover too.   I added a little mayo, and it tasted kind of like that classic broccoli/bacon salad.

Brussels sprouts


And that made me think that raisins/craisins might be a good addition.   I think I’ll try that today, as I didn’t quite make it through the leftovers yet.

5. I fed my family at home for all three meals…

and I wore thrifty clothes (Goodwill jeans, a Lands End long-sleeved t-shirt I bought last spring at an end-of-season clearance, and a pair of Converse I bought on clearance), used the 7-Minute Workout app, made a smoothie using up random odds and ends, unbuttoned shirt collars, used a coupon for free undies, deposited checks via my phone, and drank home-brewed tea.

Bonus round, there! 😉


How about you?   List your own five frugal things in the comments if you like!

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    Tuesday 15th of December 2015

    5 Frugal Things for us... Well, it's hard. We're working on paying down our debt as quickly as we possibly can, but we have almost $200,000 to pay (crazy!) so we are trying to be SUPER frugal. Some things that we have done in the past week, maybe?

    1. Made homemade noodles. Also found out how we can save hundreds a year by doing so which is crazy because who knew making noodles could save you money?

    2. Made our own Christmas gifts - for friends and family to enjoy. It saved us a ton and it was fun to get crafty and see what we could come up with.

    3. Worked a catering event - this takes time out of our day and is kind of a hassle, but it's something we get to do together to help earn a little extra money ($200) which helped to pay for our Christmas gifts that weren't homemade.

    4. Didn't go to Subway - I want to go to subway every day. Forever. but we have eaten at home the past few days.

    5. Quit drinking soda - this one starts today. It's a combination of wanting to be frugal (not paying for beverages when we can have water for free) and wanting to be healthy.

    So there you have it! 5 things for us! :)


    Saturday 21st of November 2015

    1. Opted to just whip up a couple scrambled eggs in a taco shell for dinner the night my hubby was ill. He just are a can of chicken soup and there was no need to cook a big meal. 2. Purchased a brand new, still in the box string of white lights at the thrift store for $2. 3. Finished a Christmas present using wood that was laying next to our dumpster. Picked it up while walking the dog. Made a snowman using white paint purchased with a coupon and sewed some hats and scarves with Christmas fabric from my scraps which were purchased on sale with coupons. 4. Had a potluck at work and managed to create a large side dish using ingredients on hand and only purchased $2 worth of additional ingredients. 5. Volunteered to work a Saturday to earn extra vacation time. Using it to extend my Christmas break. This will give us 2 extra days and when traveling back home to be with family, the extra time are very appreciated.

    Katy @ The Non-Consumer Advocate

    Friday 20th of November 2015

    And by the way, I'll be making those rolls next week!

    Katy @ The Non-Consumer Advocate

    Friday 20th of November 2015

    I have a dental bill frugal thing to share as well. Our dental insurance refused to pay for the $530 panoramic X-ray that went with my son's wisdom tooth extraction. I called the office to let them know I was appealing it, then called the insurance company to learn the appeals process and wrote a kick-ass letter of appeal.

    Hopefully we can get this bill paid, and even if they won't, I'll know that I did everything I could.

    Stephanie L

    Saturday 21st of November 2015

    Good for you! You may also want to see if your state has an Insurance Commissioner, and take the issue there (or threaten to) if necessary. If it's an issue of time restriction - most companies pay for one panoramic every 3 years or so - you may be stuck. But if not, good for you for fighting for the coverage you've paid for!


    Thursday 19th of November 2015

    Kirsten love your bread rolls, they look delicious:)

    1. Paid a chunk off our mortgage from savings we had made..delighted with that.. 2. Cooked all our meals at home and used up all leftovers for lunch.. 3.stuck to my list in Aldi 4. Air dried all my laundry inside and only finished off in tumble dryer saving energy 5. Read my books borrowed from library.. Good week over ur 5 frugal things's great

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