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Why I’m digging stainless steel containers of late

mighty fix promo code

If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know that I have a serious thing for glass containers.   One of the reasons I adore them so much: you can see what they hold.

glass vs stainless steel

Being able to view the contents of a container is at least half the battle when it comes to avoiding food waste.

So, glass is king at my house for food storage.

But, as you all know, Joshua started college classes this semester, which means that he’s regularly packing lunches for the first time in his life.

u Konserve stainless steel

While Mr. FG has a locker and a fridge for the food he brings to work, Joshua has to carry his food with him from one side of campus to the other, which means that a bunch of heavy glass containers aren’t the best idea in the world.

u konserve steel

Enter stainless steel!   Stainless steel is lightweight and drop-proof, and since lunches are eaten the same day they’re made, the opacity of the container is no problem at all.

U Konserve stainless steel reusable containers

I already owned a stainless steel tiffin (I found it at Goodwill a few years back!) and luckily, I’d gotten two stainless steel containers in a previous month’s Mighty Fix delivery, so Joshua’s been good to go.

I might be a little bit proud that he’s packing his lunches in reusable containers.   That’s my boy! 😉

What’s The Mighty Fix?

I’ve written before about the Mighty Fix service that I’m subscribed to, but just to review:

For $10 a month, Mighty Nest ships you an eco-friendly item that’s always worth more than $10.   There are no shipping charges for your Mighty Fix….just the $10 flat rate.

Plus, you can add anything else to your Mighty Fix each month (Mighty Nest carries lots of great eco-friendly items) and pay no extra shipping for the items you purchase.

Mighty Fix Review | The Frugal Girl

I’ve been subscribed since this past fall, and in my fixes I’ve gotten stainless steel containers, a glass water bottle, a set of organic dishcloths, a set of produce bags, a set of Lunchskins (the little bags in the bottom left of the photo), a set of organic wool dryer balls, and more.

IMG_9661lekue silicone storage lids

Oh, and one recent fix contained these cool stretchy silicone storage tops, which you can use to cover jars or containers, or even to cover round produce.

lekue storage

They are pretty awesome.

Since eco-friendly items help reduce waste, they generally are also items that will save you money.

For instance….

  • Dishcloths are cheaper than paper towels.
  • A refillable water bottle is cheaper than bottled water.
  • Dryer balls reduce energy use in the dryer.
  • Reusable storage containers reduce the need to buy disposable containers.

Isn’t it grand, the way that green living often intersects with frugal living?   I love it.

Get your own container set for $5!

Now, Mighty Nest emailed a month or two ago to see if I’d like to run a special sign-up offer just for Frugal Girl readers, and I said yes, but none of the special offers they had seemed just perfect for you guys.

So, I asked if we could run a stainless steel container special, and after some emailing back and forth, we made it happen!

u konserve stainless steel

Here’s the deal:

Click here to sign up as a new Mighty Fix subscriber, and you’ll get your first fix, a set of two stainless steel containers with leakproof lids for only $5 instead of the usual $10.

Mighty Fix stainless steel containers

These are a $15 value, so $5 is an awesome price!

You are not obligated to continue as a Mighty Fix subscriber after the first month, and you can cancel at any time.

(Though if you need to add reusable items to your household, staying subscribed is a handy and affordable way to do that! Plus, getting a delivery each month is awfully fun.)

mighty fix containers

Usually the Mighty Fix is a mystery delivery, but for your first fix, you’ll get the exact same two containers pictured above, in the exact same colors.   So, you know precisely what you’ll be getting for your $5 Fix.

u konserve steel



These are great for holding fruits, nuts, or crackers on the go, AND since they have leak-proof lids, you can also fill them with things like yogurt, dipping sauces, salad dressings, and other items that could drip.

Again, here’s the link to sign up as a new Mighty Fix subscriber, and just in case you need the promo code (you shouldn’t need it), it’s FRUGALCONTAINERSFIX.


I’d love to hear how you pack lunches without waste.   Do you use stainless steel?   Glass?   Silicone?   Or are there other products that you use in lieu of disposables?


Disclosure: I signed up for the Mighty Fix of my own accord and have paid for it every month with my own money.   The links in this post are referral links, which means that purchases made through them help keep the lights on around here at NO extra cost to you.   All content and opinions in this post are my own, and I only recommend companies and products that I use and love, and that I think will be helpful for you!

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    Thursday 1st of November 2018

    We mainly use glass containers for food storage in and out if the fridge and also for my husband's lunches. I've been known to buy small items just because I thought the glass container would be handy later. ;) I just signed up for mighty fix and I'm excited to get those stainless containers!


    Saturday 1st of September 2018

    Hi! This looks like a great deal! Do you happen to know the ounces of the two containers? I would like to get some for my toddler’s lunch and maybe for mine too

    Sally Scholle

    Tuesday 28th of August 2018

    We reuse leftover cereal bags for sandwiches and mason jars for meals that need to be heated in the microwave. We send cloth napkins along with whole fruit that doesn't need a container.


    Friday 6th of July 2018

    I have a lunch bag recommendation! Planet Boxes are amazing. All metal (no breakage), separated compartments and so easy to clean. They even have a great carrying bag and spot for a reusable water bottle (you can grab one of those there too and they are great). It is a big initial cost but I see most parents buying new every year and then buying baggies to fill them. No plastic in our lunches. My oldest is going into fourth grade (we bought in K) and hers still looks great (the bag too!) I have other friends who also love them. A great environmental product!


    Saturday 6th of January 2018

    I’m looking for a link to the silicone stretchy lids i the pictures above. Do you have a link?


    Saturday 6th of January 2018

    Here you go!

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