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What I Spent, What We Ate | I got sick.

This has been a weird week.

On Monday, I felt fine, but on Monday night, I came down with a pretty bad case of food poisoning.

Get well cards.

Get well cards from Sonia and Zoe. So sweet!

I barely slept Monday night, I was super sick all day Tuesday (I considered going to the ER, it was so bad), and though I was much improved on Wednesday and Thursday, I still was not 100%.

It’s Friday now, and I’m starting to approach normalcy…I think I’m functioning at about 75%.   I’m still not very hungry, though, and I’m easily tired.

Anyway, food at our house this week has most definitely not been the usual!

I did make a stop at Aldi last Saturday and spent $49.11.

A pile of Aldi groceries on a kitchen floor.

And I got my Hungry Harvest box on Saturday as well ($25).

A Hungry Harvest delivery.

Mr. FG and Joshua spent $31.55 on some miscellaneous trips while I was sick.

So, we spent $105.66 on groceries this week.

June Spending

Week 1: $109

Week 2: $172

Week 3: $127

Week 4: $106


What We Ate


We’d gotten crabs for Father’s Day, and we had just a bit leftover, so I made crab cakes for Mr. FG (seeing as they were crabs for Father’s Day, it seemed fair for him to get the crab cakes!).

I made something else for the girls and me, but I have no idea what it was. I know I didn’t eat much of it because I was starting to feel a little funky.


This is the day I was the most sick…I barely left my bedroom.   Luckily, Mr. FG decided to take the day off to stay home and keep an eye on me, and also to drive Lisey to work (I was in no shape to drive, and Joshua was at work!)

It was just him + Sonia and Zoe for dinner, and they went out to get subs.


Joshua popped into a store to get buttermilk so that he and Lisey could make buttermilk waffles for dinner.

buttermilk waffles on a white plate.

Having a kid who drives is very handy when you’re sick.


You know how I’ve said before that without a plan, when 5:30 rolls around, I lose all cooking knowledge and I’m like, “GAHHHH!! All I know how to make is grilled cheese sandwiches!!”

Well, that happened.   I wasn’t feeling super great still, I hadn’t gone grocery shopping, and it was 5:30.

So, I ran out and bought bread and cheese and made sandwiches.


I’m feeling pretty good today, so I might make some homemade pizza tonight.   But I also might opt for something easier, like pizza subs.

Pizza subs on a white plate.

What have you been eating this week?

Hopefully it’s been a healthier week for you than it was for me!

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    Monday 26th of June 2017

    Have you ever considered making your own buttermilk. I used to run to the store when I wanted to make homemade buttermilk biscuits just to grab buttermilk. Its expensive and then I would have left over buttermilk that I would have to plan another meal to use it up. I know make my own. EASY! and just as good. 1 cup milk and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar. Stir and let sit for five minutes. PooF!! buttermilk! saves time and saves me from wasting the rest of the buttermilk.


    Monday 26th of June 2017

    food poisoning is terrible and I wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy. I'm sorry to hear you were so sick and I'm glad you are on the upswing.

    Ashley Whitt

    Sunday 25th of June 2017

    I ask this in a totally non-judgemental way out of simple curiosity: Does Mr. FG cook at all?


    Sunday 25th of June 2017

    His cooking skills are PRETTY basic. Like, brown a chicken breast, steam some veggies kind of thing. He cooked for himself almost every night when he was a bachelor, but it was boring food.

    Also an issue: he gets home fairly late in the evening, which leaves very little time for cooking unless you want to be eating at 8:30 pm. Heh.

    kristin @ going country

    Saturday 24th of June 2017

    Ugh. Worst. So glad you're feeling better at least, and fingers crossed that it's ALL the way better very soon so you can eat without feeling as if you may be poisoning yourself again.

    Our fallback dinner when I need an easy and fast dinner with no prior planning is eggs. We had them on Wednesday after a day of Braxton Hicks contractions culminating in a trip to see my midwife late in the afternoon (everything's fine) meant that we didn't get home until five o'clock. So we had bacon and egg sandwiches when we got home. Man, are those satisfying. And everyone ate all of theirs. Win.


    Saturday 24th of June 2017

    Kristen I am sorry you have been so ill. I have had a bug too and I have slackened off no end. I couldn't even tell you what we have eaten this week. I know that on Sunday night we had roasted lamb and on Thursday we had spaghetti bolognese.

    I hope that you are well very soon.

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