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I’m feeling kind of crabby.

I have only 20 minutes, but I think that leaves enough time for a little something that almost always helps me feel less crabby: a small list of things I’m grateful for.

I’ll go first, and you can join me in the comments if you’d like.

1. The sun is out today.

It’s been rather cloudy here of late, which never helps my mood.   But today it’s cold and clear, and I’ll take that over clouds any day.

fall leaves

2. Joshua and Lisey both did great on their presentations.

They each had a college class presentation to do with a partner this week, and they both got the maximum grade possible.

Like Mr. FG and me, neither of them really enjoy being up in front of people. But that’s ok…you don’t have to love everything in life. There are some things you just have to get through, and get through they did!

(Joshua’s partner was actually named Elise. He probably felt very comfortable! 😉 )

3. Sonia and Zoe and I are keeping up with history and science.

We do those subjects together, and it’s easy for us to get off track and fall behind, especially with science.

But so far, we are doing a bang-up job, and I totally do not see us in a mad rush to finish science in the spring. Phew.

4. My desk is clean.

On a whim, I did a serious clean-up of the office on Monday (it needed it in a serious way), and now I am surprised every time I walk in and see my clean, clear desk.

5. My Stitch Fix jeans are so comfy.

I’ve worn my cheap skinny jeans the last few days (because I have to wash my Stitch Fix jeans sometimes, you know), and today I pulled out the black ones from my last fix.


The stretchiness, the thick fabric…so good.

I have zero regrets about purchasing these.   Zero.


If you’re having a crabby Wednesday, make a little grateful list in the comments.

(It does help, even when you’re sure it won’t!)

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    Friday 17th of November 2017

    I have had a bad week and am so glad it's almost over. What kind of ballet flats do you have on with the jeans? They look comfortable but substantial (meaning, you don't have to go to the ER if you step on a rock--I have some of those).


    Friday 17th of November 2017

    They're Bali Elf flats, and I do love them! Here are more details about them:


    Friday 17th of November 2017

    What makes me happy today is that we had a full family cuddle, for all 5 of us (2 parents, 3 kids) in the big bed just before getting ready this morning. We joked that we were like Ed, Ned, Ted, Red and Fred in Bed like in that Dr. Seuss book and made family inside jokes and had a few laughs. We're always rushing in the morning. But realising how precious that spontaneous family time is, we let it happen. And frankly, those 2 minutes this morning have kept me going all day. :) I smile just thinking of it.

    Rachel R

    Thursday 16th of November 2017

    I had a terribly crabby day too. Here's to improving my attitude:)

    1) I had a delicious lunch of melty cheese & ham bagels.

    2) I'm wearing new thrift store/garage sale clothes that are super comfy and warm.

    3) We have heat, food in our fridge, gas in the car, and everyone's fairly healthy. And a working tub after the plumber fix.

    4) My toddler is napping.

    5) God cares for us. I'm his kid.


    Thursday 16th of November 2017

    There is always something to be thankful for...I love that truth. What a blessing you are to my life, Kristen, and we don’t even know each other.

    —Tried the spatchcock chicken yesterday from your post years ago. Oh my goodness, so good!

    —Love the morning light (the good thing about the time change).

    —Did some deep cleaning/reorganizing in my kitchen this week. Ahhhh....feels so good! Fall cleaning helps me feel better going into the holidays and winter.

    —Making grape jelly from homegrown grapes with my mother today. Smile!

    —Grandchildren - 3 girls, 3 boys. I never thought this stage of life would be so good.


    Thursday 16th of November 2017

    Right? So much quicker to roast that way, and the salting makes the meat so tender. Love it!


    Thursday 16th of November 2017

    Thank you all for your comments; I so appreciate this blog. I am grateful for: - Good food to eat - A place to live - my older sister who is such a blessing in my life - my awesome work colleages - having a car

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