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Freezer Challenge, Week 6 | the squash is ALL gone.

Geez. I can’t believe I’m in week 6 of this already! Thanks for following along on my freezer adventures and giving me lots of great use-it-up ideas.

You all are the best.

Last Week’s Food

Alrighty! Here’s what I started with last week.

I used the bananas to make banana bread.

loaf of banana bread.

We had the breakfast sausage for dinner last night along with pancakes and orange juice.

On your suggestions, I steamed the butternut squash and pureed it.

And then I used it to make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, subbing the butternut for the pumpkin.

I’d say these taste fairly similar to muffins made with pumpkin, but not quite as good.

My kids are still eating them, though, so I guess it’s fine.

And I think I am all done finding bags of squash in my freezer now.   Phew.

I used the cooked Italian sausage in a pan of stuffed shells, and I used the bread cubes to make a half batch of overnight French toast.

And lastly, I used the tomatoes to make a small batch of tomato sauce, which I will use in some way or another, maybe to top pizza.

I did not find a new home for the coffee creamer yet, and the tilapia fillets are still in the freezer.

But I’m very pleased that I used up almost everything from last week’s list. Yay me!

This Week’s Food

Here’s what’s facing me this week!

From left to right, we have:

  • two partial packages of salmon (maybe I’ll combine them with last week’s tilapia!)
  • the filling for Asian chicken wraps (easy to eat for lunch)
  • a bag of whole wheat rolls and a partial bag of hot dog rolls (croutons? More French toast?)
  • two big bags of beef bones (if we get a cool enough day, I can make broth)
  • frozen collard greens (for smoothies)
  • a jar of chicken broth

The freezer challenge is especially helpful for making me get through odds and ends I would otherwise ignore.

Like the salmon.

But the chicken broth and the beef bones? I know I’d get around to those eventually, especially in the colder months of the year.


After this week, I think I really just have one more compartment to get through, but it’s kind of a big one so it may take two weeks.


Aaaaand after that, I may stretch this challenge out a little more because my kitchen freezer is stupid crowded right now and I know there are tons of odds and ends in there that should be used.

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Tuesday 17th of July 2018

In my freezer: 2 trays of ice cubes 2 portions of pork mince 2 portions of beef cuts Less than a half bag of shredded spinach Small container of dill.

Were trying to lose a bit of weight with the husband and i'm amazed of how little food we go through


Monday 16th of July 2018

I just turned my chest freezer back on as we are heading into the summer freezing season. I think Iโ€™m going to take advantage of the fact that it is mostly empty right now and clean out the upstairs freezer. I think there are two packages of frozen corn from last summer lurking in there, and possibly some other odds and ends. Maybe Iโ€™ll make corn bread. My kids wonโ€™t eat it, but Iโ€™ll eat it for breakfast with cafe latte.


Monday 16th of July 2018

Love your freezer challenge! Motivates me to clean up our freezer too. It is just my husband and so it takes a little longer...but it forces me to be creative.

Kathy Felton

Monday 16th of July 2018

Kristen You can make an orange Julius with: 2 cups of Orange Juice 1/2 cup Coffee Mate powdered Creamer 2tsp vanilla 2 tbsp sugar 5-7 ice cubes Mix together in blender

Mrs. Picky Pincher

Monday 16th of July 2018

Oh man, those muffins look SO good! I'll have to remember that for when I'm overrun with pumpkin in the fall. :) For the coffee creamer, is it a flavored one? Sometimes creamer can be used as a sub for milk in baking.

This week we're reaaally buckling down on expenses. We adjusted our student loan payoff to happen more quickly, which means we can't spend willy nilly.

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