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4 things that are making me happy (plus one that’s not)

My pal Katy does these posts sometimes, and today, I felt in the mood for one.   And just like with Five Frugal Things, you can do your own version in the comments.

Happy things first:

1. Joshua got a new job and he loves it.

He worked hard at the pet store and everyone there wanted him to stay (His boss said Joshua was the best worker he’s ever had, which made my mama heart proud!), but he found a better opportunity at a local coffee shop, where he can get paid more and has opportunities for advancement.

tea, because I have no photos of coffee

tea, because I have no photos of coffee

He’s really enjoying the coffee gig so far, and he’s busy learning all sorts of new coffee-making skills.

So, yay!

2. Lisey is lovin’ her tutorial classes.

I’m really happy about this…I think the tutorial is the perfect in-between sort of thing she needed right now.   Hopping into full-time regular school wouldn’t have been good right now for a variety of reasons, and the once-a-week tutorial is just enough classroom life without being too much.

She’s made a friend in each of her classes, her teachers are kind, the workload has not been overwhelming, and she looks forward to her classes each week.

tips for saving on college textbooks

(A tutorial is a service for homeschoolers which offers classes once or twice a week, with work sent home in between classes.   It’s a bit like a college class in that regard.)

3. My fridge isn’t crazy full.

I am one of those people who really struggles to keep the fridge under control.   I love it when there’s space and when food isn’t hiding out in the back trying to grow mold, but it is a constant battle for me.

At this very moment, I’m winning, so, I’m celebrating that. 😉

I’m in awe of people who seem to easily keep their fridges in good shape.

4. The weather is a bit cooler.

I’m not excited about the days getting shorter or about the approach of freezing temperatures, but I DO like the in-between temperatures of fall days.   It’s lovely to not be hot or cold, but jusssst right.

5. (the not-happy thing) I messed up S&Z’s dance schedule.

This is totally my fault, and I feel bad.   They were VERY excited about getting started with their dance class this week, but I had the day wrong, and I only realized this a few hours after the class had begun.



In the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal, and they will have plenty of time to get their dances learned for the spring recital, but it feels really disappointing for them right now.


Alrighty…your turn! Share some things that are making you happy (and one thing that’s not, if you so desire. 😉 )


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    Monday 3rd of October 2016

    For my happy moments:

    1. September was a three paycheck month so I had a little bit of extra cash. I bought some crafting supplies for some of my Christmas projects. 2. I finished a large project at work and I feel that weight off my shoulders. 3. My 10 year old grandson brought home some really good grades from school ,this week. We have been struggling with his grades. 4. My daughter went to Wednesday night Bible study with me.

    For not so happy moments:

    My modem for my internet is out and no one has returned my phone calls yet. The pump went out of my old washer and the cost to repair it was not low enough to do the work. Looks like we'll be washer shopping.


    Monday 3rd of October 2016

    Oh man! No internet??? My sympathies.


    Thursday 29th of September 2016

    I totally relate for the fridge thing! I lose stuff in there because there is just too much (1st world problem!). And I also enjoy the cooler temperature. +20 Celsius is excellent in my world!

    4 things that are making me happy: * Brought my 4yo to the pool today (finally!!) and discovered that her fear of water seems to be gone! And that she can actually swim pretty will (with floaters). Woah, when did this happen?!? * Started a support group for eating disorders (I have BED) and I think I will get some good out of it. * Planning a fun-filled Thanksgiving weekend with family. * Season 5 of "Last man standing" is now on Netflix. * extra ones: my two amazing girls, my hourly salary, my house, my amazing family physician, my friends Lyne and Melanie, my betta fish, good neighbors, our garden, etc. Lots to be grateful for!

    One thing that is making me unhappy at the moment:

    * some marital conflicts.... :-(

    Solitary Diner

    Thursday 29th of September 2016

    1) After being in debt for almost a decade, I now have a big enough surplus to cover one year of expenses! 2) I have three new books to pick up from the library tonight. 3) I am done my work for the day, so I get to leave early. 4) I have dinner plans for tonight at a great restaurant that specializes in local foods. 5) (One thing that is making me unhappy) My chronic insomnia is back. Boo.


    Thursday 29th of September 2016

    I love this exercise! 1. Our little dog is feeling much more energetic and enthusiastic after a number of tests and medication changes. 2. My husband was able to fix a chandelier that was making a weird noise. We found just the right socket replacement and he got it in. 3. My DIL has felt really good during her pregnancy and our granddaughter should arrive in November. Excited. 4. We finally have had a pleasant early Fall day. Yeah for cooler weather. 5. A lovely woman volunteered to take over as President of our Friends of the Library group. I am moving next year and she will be a great replacement.

    Laura Vanderkam

    Thursday 29th of September 2016

    I love fall weather. When it's crisp, but before it gets cold (which I don't like). Sweater weather. It's perfect for running. Especially when the leaves start changing!

    I'm happy about sleeping from 8:30-6:30 last night. Granted, it's because I've got a cold, and my husband took both the bedtime and wake-up duties out of pity, but it did feel good!

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