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5 (er, 4) Frugal Things

1. I froze avocado, pear, and pineapple.

pineapple from Aldi

I had a mushy pear, which was no good for eating, so I froze it for smoothies.

And I ended up with too many ripe avocados at once, so I froze some avocado chunks.

Aaand my new pineapple ripened before the old one was all eaten, so the older pineapple pieces hit the freezer too.

What would I do without smoothies??

2. I made dinner even though I wasn’t here to eat it.

Last night, I took Lisey out for a belated birthday date, but I made dinner for my family ahead of time so that they wouldn’t need to eat out.

(Clam chowder, which reheats very nicely!)

3. I asked for a cheaper inhaler.

Sonia needed a new inhaler for her seasonal allergies, and the initial one prescribed was many dollars.


So, we called the pediatrician and got a new one that was slightly fewer dollars.

Ever better, the expiration date is over two years away, which means Sonia can use it for TWO allergy seasons.   She only needs the inhaler for a few weeks each year, so the expiration date always happens before she uses up the inhaler.

And it’s super frustrating if it expires right before allergy season (which is what happened this year!)

4. I used frequent diner credit.

When Lisey and I went out for dinner, I asked the waiter to see if we had any credit from the frequent diner program, and we did!

It wasn’t a lot, but hey, every little bit helps.

5. I’m coming up dry.

I can’t think of much for #5. Ummm…I packed a lunch for Mr. FG using leftovers from our Easter dinner.

How about you?

Hopefully you’ll have an easier time coming up with five than I did today. 😉

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    Rachel R.

    Saturday 22nd of April 2017

    1. Cooked dinner at home, even when feeling sick & tempted to get fast food for family. Bonus--soup was on our menu, so helped me feel better later.

    2. Brought almonds & a travel magazine to a long afternoon medical appt so that I wouldn't be tempted to buy snack out of hunger/boredom.

    3. My husband & I split a yummy chicken fajita meal for date night. Also we traded baby sitting with a friend. $12 date!

    4. Have been using junk mail/old magazines for my daughter's art stash instead of going to Dollar Tree for crafty things.

    5. Downloaded Free Friday grocery item coupon, even though felt like I was too busy to do so. It only took a minute to do:)



    Saturday 22nd of April 2017

    1 While on business trip I was tempted by cosmetics that I was in need of. However I waited until I was home, because my local shop has a cheaper-than-tax-free brand that works as well for me 2 I asked for reimbursement of company costs immediately upon return 3 After traveling home, I made dinner with what was available, rather than some take away 4 For a theme party, I shopped a top in the requested color at the local thrift shop. Actually it what looked so well on me that I will probably be wearing it regularly afterwards! So this week gets me to four as well. I'll have a regular week next week, with more opportunities to be frugal.


    Thursday 20th of April 2017

    I love reading everyone comments! 1. Received a dozen free eggs from a friend with chickens 2. Combined an assortment of leftovers and 'soon to expire' foods into a big batch of something like Spanish rice which I will divide into lunch size containers for ready to eat portions 3. Read books from our library's free digital collection 4. Sold a decoration that the previous owners left here for $10 on a FB sale group And the biggie ... 5. We plan on building our long awaited house this summer. A friend mentioned that a window manufacturer in a small town about 3 hours away has an outlet warehouse where they sells returns, seconds, and direct. So we took a drive down to check it out, did some haggling, were flexible on sizes. We ended up getting all 13 color matched windows for the house for $2,600! This included four 6ft x 6ft specialty windows. Very happy!


    Thursday 20th of April 2017

    My sister made a large batch of baked spaghetti for Easter and hardly anyone ate it so that gave me lunch for several days this week. We traded several other dishes so I am good for lunch all week.

    Not really frugal but my washer died, 12 years old & can't find parts. Repair shop said pain to repair, ugh! Anyway we bargained with Best Buy manager and got a $900 washer for $544. At least my hubby took the washer apart and is scrapping the metal (which makes up most of the ones are plastic another ugh!). Also receiving $50 from our power company for purchasing the washer which is energy efficient.

    We are taking a trip to GA, I manged to find a couple of nights Airbnb so a big savings there.

    We plan on making some of our meals in GA so we will have a savings there too.


    Thursday 20th of April 2017

    Hi Kristen,

    If you daughter suffers from pollen, it may also help to put a greasy cream (Vaseline, sun cream, etc) around the nostrils and eyes, and on the lips (lip balm). The cream catches the pollen before it gets to the sensitive areas. Replace regularly.

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