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52 New Recipes | 5 Spice Pork Kebabs

Over the weekend, I took a peek through a few issues of Cook’s Illustrated and listed some recipes I wanted to try.

These pork kebabs were on the list, so I gave ’em a shot on Monday.

The recipe was really easy and quick, and the kebabs looked beautiful.

But I think I am not a fan of five-spice powder.   It just has so many spices that I associate with sweet baked goods and it feels weird to have those with meat.

The glaze is basically Hoisin sauce mixed with five spice powder, so maybe I’d like the kebabs pretty well without the powder.

I still have half of the pork tenderloin in the freezer, so maybe I’ll experiment with that next time.

You win some, you lose some.   I’ve encountered my fair share of duds during this project, but I still think it’s been worth it because I have a big pile of new recipes that are keepers.

And heaven knows I wouldn’t have tried nearly this many new recipes without doing the 52 New Recipes project.

What new recipe did you try this week?

Do share!

And I hope yours was slightly more successful than mine. 😉

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    Friday 7th of July 2017

    I tried fried tofu this week and it needs much more flavour for me to eat it again. I agree with many of the comments about five spice. I don't like sweet flavours with savoury food and I have been eating Asian foods for over 50 years. I didn't like it in the first place and will only eat it to be polite.


    Friday 7th of July 2017

    Well, I feel less alone now!


    Thursday 6th of July 2017

    I saw a recipe for a Tuna salad made with cucumbers and diced avocado and a pack of Tuna. They dressed it with fresh cilantro and olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

    I had to redo the recipe a bit for my bunch. None of us like tuna and All of us inherited the gene where cilantro unfortunately tastes and smells like soap.

    I used cucumbers from my garden, avocado, rotisserie chicken (shredded) and added fresh parsley. Then dressed it with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. It was good!


    Thursday 6th of July 2017

    I, too, hate cilantro. For me, it completely ruins any dish.

    Solitary Diner

    Thursday 6th of July 2017

    I tried fried tofu this week, because my partner and I are trying to eat more meatless meals, and it was really tasty. So far I've had it with homemade pesto and on top of homemade salad, and I've been searching online for other ideas. It's ridiculously easy to make (I drain it, salt it, and fry it in a cast-iron pan), and I think it'll work as a substitute in a lot of places where we normally use chicken or pork.


    Thursday 6th of July 2017

    I go back and forth on five spice powder. I do like sweet/savory combinations but sometimes it just doesn't work. Also I've found that each brand can taste different, too.

    I made the bacon burgers you shared last week. They were amazing!


    Thursday 6th of July 2017

    I agree with you on not enjoying "sweet" spices in savory applications. It was my first thought when I saw five spice powder in the recipe name. My aversion to this makes it hard for me to enjoy Indian and some middle eastern dishes. Keep trying new things though, we all enjoy reading about it!

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