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52 New Recipes | Spring Pasta with Chicken

I saw this pasta primavera dish in my Cook’s Country magazine and thought, ooh, this would be a nice way to use up my last zucchini from my Hungry Harvest box.

But I knew that my family would prefer it with some added protein, so I briefly marinated some chicken breasts in an oil/garlic clove/salt/sugar mixture and cooked them in a skillet.

Pasta Primavera in a large stock pot.

The verdict: I thought it would be better with more of a sauce.


And if I’d been thinking clearly, my ongoing “everything should have more sauce!” philosophy should sent up a red flag before I tried this recipe.

The problem is that the “sauce” on this is pretty mild…oil, lemon juice, and fresh herbs, basically. It barely counts as a sauce!

So, when I had leftovers yesterday, I added a healthy dose of pesto and I felt like the dish improved by about 83%.

Must. Have. Sauce.

The good thing about this recipe project is that I am learning what types of foods aren’t our thing.


-foods with insufficient sauce levels, especially pasta

-breaded chicken breasts with a mild (er, boring) sauce

So.   I’m gonna keep that in mind when I choose my next new recipe!

What new recipe did you try this week?

Tell us about it!

(Did it have enough sauce???)

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    Friday 23rd of June 2017

    Everything is better with pesto. :)


    Saturday 17th of June 2017

    I think I am that rare person who usually feels there is too much sauce. I really enjoy milder flavors. Your pasta looks delicious to me! :-)


    Thursday 15th of June 2017

    I hear you on the sauce! I need sauce, but my husband needs more sauce. Yesterday I made Chicken Tikka Masala at home and after we had eaten and my husband's lunch was packed I was starting to wonder what to do with the rest of it since I didn't feel it was enough sauce for two people to eat through. What are some ways that you make more sauce happen?

    Sara Mayo

    Thursday 15th of June 2017

    I tried pancake muffins from Joy the Baker blog. Makes a perfect after-lunch dessert at work.


    Wednesday 14th of June 2017

    Have you tried adding parmesan? I love pasta tossed with veggies and olive oil if I put a couple of tablespoons of parmesan on top.

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