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52 New Recipes, Week 3 | Thai Beef Salad

In 2017, I’m trying 52 new recipes; one per week.   At least, that’s what I’m hoping to do!

This Week’s Recipe

I know I said I was going to try a brothy soup recipe, but I ended up making a broth-based soup on Monday, and I only want so many of those kinds of soups in a single week!

So, I poked thru my ATK Quick Family Cookbook again and came across a Thai Beef Salad. I’d looked at it before, but hesitated because, oh, there’s that flank steak again.

thai beef salad

But last week, a reader had suggested looking for flank steak at Costco.   So I did, and it is $3 a pound cheaper there than at the grocery store. Sweet.

I still don’t think I’m going to use flank steak every night (!), but it’s affordable enough at Costco for me to buy it every now and again.


Thai style beef salad

This was pretty quick and easy, and enough of us liked it for this recipe to go into rotation around here. Woohoo!

I used more cucumber than the recipe called for, and I’d probably add even more next time (and use fewer onions because so many of my kids don’t like raw onion).   I also think I’d add more mint and cilantro because those two herbs really give the salad a unique flavor and I always feel like Thai salads could use more in every bite.

But otherwise, a thumbs up from me.   And I think this will be especially good in the summertime, when cold foods are very appealing.

Next Week’s Recipe

Continuing the Thai theme, I think I’m going to try this soup recipe, which is also from my ATK Quick Cookbook.

thai soup

I will probably try some recipes from other sources at some point this year (!), but I’m finding that the quick aspect of these recipes is making it easy for me to tackle a new one each week.

Your Recipe!

What new dish did you make this week?   Was it a keeper?

And what are you planning to make next week?

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    Friday 20th of January 2017

    I tried a new recipe this week taken from I made pork tenderloin in the slow cooker, added dry onion soup mix, water, red wine, soy sauce, garlic, salt and black pepper. It had very good flavor and I will definitely make it again.


    Friday 20th of January 2017

    I think it was the fish sauce that ruined last weeks curry dish for us. My recipe this week was broccoli cheddar soup which was delish.


    Friday 20th of January 2017

    Yesterday I made a multi-legume soup:, using turkey stock instead of veggie and with a hunk of skin from home-made bacon - since I had those on hand, natch. Pretty good so far but needs jazzing up with tabasco and garlic.

    I may try this recipe for shrimp patties, since my store had a pile of $1/1 coupons for shrimp. This makes me very excited: plain cooked shrimp is a quick, easy, healthy meal and I rarely see coupons for the good ones.

    I'm also trying several recipes from CI's "Cook It in Cast Iron." So far I'm not impressed. Many of the recipes are just made-over from the magazines, or I wouldn't call recipes at all. Frex, hamburgers and sauteed onions are great, but really all it is is "slice onions thinly, put in pan, put burgers on top, cook till you like it" and you certainly don't need a cast iron pan to cook them.


    Thursday 19th of January 2017

    Oh that flank steak. The ATK cookbooks really like that one. I can't even find it half the time in my grocery store. In desperation (and frugality), I've been using round steak, and find it works just fine.


    Friday 20th of January 2017

    CI also keeps calling for "boneless short ribs." I've come to believe they are sold only in Boston. Once I was even gently mocked for asking about them - "They're *ribs,* ya kno...?"

    You can try skirt instead of flank; it's usually a bit cheaper.


    Friday 20th of January 2017

    And the funny thing is, sometimes they say something like, "Flank steak is an affordable cut of meat." and I'm like, what? Compared to filet mignon, maybe!

    Fiona Chain

    Thursday 19th of January 2017

    Hi Kristen, I finally made fish tacos! I have been wanting to try them for such a long time and they were an absolute winner. I made the tortillas the day before and just warmed them through just before serving. The fish is marinaded then baked in coconut cream and lime zest. Before you put the fish in the oven you top it with panko, shredded coconut and chilli, bake for 10 minutes. While the fish is baking you make a little salad of ribboned cucumber, coriander and mint. So the serve, top your warm tortilla with a slice of fish, top the the salad and then squeeze over some lime and drizzle over sweet chilli sauce, roll or fold up the tortilla and devour. They were so fresh and delish. The fish we used was caught by lovely hubby so it was a very ecomical meal. Yum!!

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