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A correction

Well, I’m bummed out.

(Zoe, circa 2009, illustrating the whole being bummed out thing)

When I was telling you all about the Black Friday weekend account bonuses that ING is offering, I mentioned ableBanking as viable alternative if you’re worried about the Capital One buyout.

But an eagle-eyed reader just alerted me to the fact that ableBanking now requires a $1000 minimum deposit.

To be very honest, I’m really disappointed by this. $1000?? I’ve always loved that ING lets you open multiple accounts with as little as $1 to start because this has let me open multiple accounts for multiple savings goals and has revolutionized the way we manage our money.

And really, not a lot of people have $1000 to plunk down in a savings account unless they’ve already been saving for a while.

So, for the moment, I really do think that ING is the best option for you if you’d like to have a bunch of targeted savings accounts like I do (here’s more detail about how I do that.)

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    Saturday 1st of December 2012

    Hi there! (in addition to the comment from Amy above)I think my daughter actually was trying to leave a comment on your daughter's blog, Baking with Lisey. In fact I think she did comment on hers also. She's just started a new blog and just wanted to get a visitor or two! I am a regular visitor of your website and told my daughter about Lisey's blog. Thanks a bunch!


    Saturday 1st of December 2012

    hi! I just wanted to tell you about my daughters blog!!! Thanks!!!!! :)


    Monday 26th of November 2012

    Ally Bank is a great alternative (in the US in addition to Canada as the 1st commenter pointed out). I actually switched our banking from ING to Ally a few years ago upon discovering that ING is one of the first online savings to drop their rates and the last to raise rates ... those little points add up, especially a few years ago when we were getting 4-5%! I haven't seen the cash incentives for referrals or opening accounts like ING has, but they have excellent customer service and it's super easy to open up multiple savings accounts for targeted savings like you have.

    Economies of Kale

    Monday 26th of November 2012

    That's annoying about the $1000 minimum with ableBanking. The no minimum balance thing is something I like about ING as well, and I have four of them and Mr Omnivore has one.

    We also don't get any of the deals you get with ING in the US. The only thing we do get is slightly more interest if we deposit more than $200 in a month, which is not something I do that often, but is nice when it does happen.


    Sunday 25th of November 2012

    Hi Kristen! This comment is not related to the savings account one bit, but this is the first one that popped up in my list, so I wanted to just tell you about it before I forget. I wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the yeast roll recipe! We've tried a lot of dough recipes and never had a great amount of success. However, we now officially LOVE that recipe! Turns out, this bread dough isn't only great for regular rolls, but if you chill it overnight and roll it out, it's also great for tons of other things like cinnamon rolls, pot pies, and pizza crust! It really is a great all around dough! We made it up with plans to use it to make rolls for Turkey Day. However, after making it up we ran out of time. So, it literally sat on our counter until it had puffed up HUGE. Probably nearly 3 times its starting size (and I'm pretty sure we doubled the recipe). I knew it was too late to use it, so I kept it covered and popped it in the fridge thinking we'd try it out in the AM as cinnamon rolls. So, we did. And let me tell you, they were AMAZING. We had so much dough, we decided to try it out for out pot pie recipe. Again, AMAZING. And then after looking at it a bit, we figured out it would also make an amazing base for pizza! All around, just a fantastic dough and I just had to tell you. Thanks again for posting it! :D

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