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A fail of a Stitch Fix

(Usual disclaimer: If you hate Stitch Fix posts, I totally understand. They’re polarizing! But you’ve been apprised of this post’s content, so if you are in the “I hate Stitch Fix posts!” camp and you keep reading….well, you are proceeding at your own risk. 🙂 )

This shipment from Stitch Fix was quite un-fabulous.

Stitch Fix June 2020 review

Which has been my experience more times than not!

So you might ask, “Well, WHY did you get another box??”

Apparently people on Google found my old Stitch Fix post that had a $50 referral link, so now I have hundreds of dollars of Stitch Fix credit that I need to use.

Stitch Fix denim jacket

Sometimes, Stitch Fix gets it right!

I can’t cash it out, after all! So I need to keep getting some Stitch Fix boxes until I find something I want to buy.

(This is, quite obviously, a first world problem. I’m not actually complaining. And besides, this will provide entertaining blog fodder.)

Item #1 : a pair of wedges

I don’t dislike these shoes per se.

Stitch Fix wedges

But I have really wide feet, so my toes barely fit in the toe strap, and the side of my foot is sticking out over the outside edge of the shoe.

I don’t think that’s flattering or comfortable, so these are a nope.

Stitch Fix wedges

Item #2: a blue sleeveless shirt

A high-yoke, loose knit top always makes me think of old maternity fashions.

(I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that’s not a favorable impression. Ha.)

Stitch Fix blue yoke top

So, nope for me on this one.

Item #3: a white sleeveless shirt

I thought maybe I would like this one!

But untucked it looks shapeless and unflattering.

Stitch Fix white sleeveless top

A half-tuck into shorts isn’t a lot better. Since this top is a combo of knit and stiff woven fabric, it hangs weird.

Stitch Fix white sleeveless top

A half-tuck into jeans is an improvement from the front.

Stitch Fix white sleeveless top

But if you look from the side, the woven part sticks out kinda weird.

Stitch Fix white sleeveless top

So, also a no.

Item #4: a floral maxi dress

When I saw this in the box, I thought maybe it would be good.

But when I put it on…it was not.

The back view is ok.

Stitch Fix maxi dress

And from straight on in the front, it’s not terrible.

Stitch Fix maxi dress

But the pre-defined waistline hits me in my ribs, not at my waist (hazards of being long-waisted!). So that means the waist is hitting at a wide part of me, not a narrow part.

Stitch Fix maxi dress

This is not my best look.

Since it hangs down from there, it really just makes me look a lot thicker around the middle than I actually am.

Also: when an elasticized waist hits at my ribs, it feels a little uncomfortable to breathe. Like, not impossible to expand my ribs; just harder.

And there is no point in paying for a dress that makes breathing harder!

Item #5: orange floral….shorts (!!!)

I saved the worst item for last: these orange floral shorts.

orange floral stitch fix shorts

I look like I’m wearing men’s swim trunks.

I really see no way that I could ever look cute in these. So. Much. No.

orange floral stitch fix shorts

I sent everything back in the prepaid package with nary a second thought!

A new plan for next time

To try to make my next box better, Lisey redid my profile and made some Pinterest boards for me (because obviously I have been a fail at this!).

I have high hopes about this new strategy because Lisey often knows what jewelry or clothes I want even when I myself don’t know what I want.

I’ll let you know how this goes when my next box arrives. We bumped up the ship date because Lisey is very excited to see how her efforts pay off.

So, look for a followup post soon!

Would you have kept any of these items? Or would you have sent them back?

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    Monday 12th of July 2021

    Wow, some unflattering items for sure. Surprisingly, I'm seeing this in July of 2021 and SF is still sending out many of these same items now. They ask for feedback, notes, requests, etc., and then largely ignore them and send whatever old inventory they have on hand. The stylists always write, "While I couldn't find what you were looking for..." I will say after a year of style pass (with a stylist who really tried) I have bought some of my very favorite items from SF along with a few I regret purchasing, but am not that interested in getting fixes sent now due to the prices going up (maybe from the huge % of stuff sent back) and the prevalence of baggy gaudy dated polyester blouses. I hope they sent you some good stuff and you had fun picking out items to use your credit.


    Saturday 3rd of April 2021

    Oh my gosh, those shorts were adorable on you. With a white t or tank, you would have looked so summery.


    Tuesday 8th of December 2020

    Got a few stitch boxes. The first was ok, second was better, 3rd- some ok, some not, and it’s just been downhill from there. Their idea of casual is either business casual or activewear. There is no in between..and even posting things I like on my profile didn’t clue them in. This last fix was a hard no on everything and to appease me, they tried to fix it and it didn’t get better. My profile specifically says “no critter prints” and they sent the most awful scratchy leopard cardigan and from my last feedback I was totally disgusted with a particular color green...which they sent again. I’m over it. I give up.


    Tuesday 20th of October 2020

    Just found this post after searching for "stitch fix sending old styles". I'm new to Stitch Fix, and my first box was decent, but waaay too expensive. So it returned it. All of it. I've got another Fix coming today and I snuck a look at it online. What I've found is that the clothes sent (when I googled them) seem to have been Stitch Fix staples for 3 years. What's up with that? I decided to try Stitch Fix to get new styles, not dated ones. Have you found this to be the case as well?


    Tuesday 20th of October 2020

    Boy, I'm not sure! I haven't googled to see if my items are new or are staples.


    Sunday 9th of August 2020

    I think the white shirt looked good.

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