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A few happy things!

I’m going to go with four because since I did so many five posts last week, I’m tired of five.

1. I got to meet Stacy in real life!

I’ve known Stacy (from Humorous Homemaking) online for years now, but we’ve never seen each other in real life.

However, this weekend she was in DC, which is drivable for me, so we got to see each other in person on Sunday night. Yay!

I’ve met numerous friends from the internet in real life over the years, and it always strikes me how easily relationships flow from the internet to in-person.   You really can get to know someone pretty well through your computer/phone.

Blurry selfie, taken by me. Whoops.

Stacy is funny and genuine, and she is such an encouraging friend to me.   Love you, Stacy!

2. Lisey’s bronchitis is getting better.

Poor girl got a double ear infection and bronchitis. The ear infection was pretty quick to respond to meds, but bronchitis is slower to leave.

3. We got to celebrate Joshua’s birthday last night.

He had to work on Sunday, his actual birthday, so I made him a birthday meal last night instead.

He requested a carrot cake, which I’ve made lots of times before, but this time, I noticed that the recipe included directions to make the frosting in the food processor.

So I tried it.

But I highly do not recommend this because apparently it’s very easy to overmix it and then you end up with rather runny frosting.

Stick with the stand mixer, friends. 😉

4. My girls are having fun with their cousins.

My three girls have been hanging out with the cousins more for this summer, which has been great.

And now the older cousins have made a group chat on Google Hangouts (along with one honorary cousin from church!), so even though school is starting and we’ll have less time at the pool together, they’ll still get to talk to each other.


Ok, that feels weird to stop at four, but I’m going to do it anyway.

If you need a little cheering on this Tuesday-that-feels-like-a-Monday (it was Labor Day here in the U.S. yesterday) make your own list in the comments!

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    Wednesday 5th of September 2018

    Being a carer is difficult and mum and I have not had a good night. So this has helped my mood brighten before going to bed.

    1. My internet friend of too many years is coming up for three days starting tomorrow. 2. My granddaughter is one on Friday. Where did the time go? In the last few days she has started to look like a toddler. I love her smiles and happy ways. 3. I have a cousin who is a very overweight, mentally ill person and her mother has been caring for her for years. She is younger than me but her life is so bad. Today she agreed to enter a nursing home. As sad as this is her mother has had cancer and is not well herself. She deserves the break. 4. Rain, not a huge amount, has fallen. Our part of Australia is in drought. Any rain is a blessing.


    Wednesday 5th of September 2018

    Caregiving is SUCH a hard job. I'm so glad that you will have a cheering visit with a friend!


    Wednesday 5th of September 2018

    All your kids are mini-me's for you & your husband 1. Went with an old friend to a new cafe & had lovely time - & a delicious vanilla puff pastry; so good 2 Same day cousin from far far away came to visit & she took me for lunch & I took her to my favourite hot chocolate place; I had chilli hot chocolate & she had orange chocolate & we had chocolates as well; so good 3. Two big nasty plants in my new very overgrown garden were much easier to destruct than I expected - green bin went out very full & have started on next fortnight's takings; felt so good out in the finally sunny outside 4. Laughs with work friends today


    Wednesday 5th of September 2018

    1. I'm getting discharged from the hospital on Thursday! I made a trip to the e.r. last Wednesday & they found my heart in A-fib. Spent the rest of the week & weekend trying to get my rythum back and/or my blood to thin! 2. It only took 1 shock to shock my heart back into a normal rythum! 3. My kids cleaned my home! It will be nice to be home again, but even better that it's clean & I don't have to exert myself so soon. 4. I'm ready for FALL! Bring on the colors, smells, cool air, crunchy leaves!!! 5. I get to see my dad this weekend! I miss him so much and he's been worried about me. It will be good for us both!

    ENJOY the last few moments of summer we have left & here's to a tiny bit of FREE ME time now that school's back in session!


    Wednesday 5th of September 2018

    So glad your heart is behaving again.


    Wednesday 5th of September 2018

    Yay for online friends meeting IRL! I've had a few over the years and even met my hubby online. (Not even on a dating site!)

    As for happy things... 1. I made popcorn with extra butter and I'm eating it.

    2. I have two huge baskets of laundry to fold (which isn't happy) BUT that means I get to stay up and watch Netflix while I fold. (Happy!)

    3. It was sunny today and supposed to be sunny and hot tomorrow! Yay!

    4. We finger painted today. I got to get messy and create too, which is way more fun than hovering over everyone and stressing about cleaning up the mess.


    Tuesday 4th of September 2018

    Wow! Joshua looks so much like his father...they are definitely twins through time!

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