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A few recommendations

I’ve been poking through the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle that I bought last week, and since I promised I’d come back and point out some of my favorites, here I am!

Before I get to that, I wanted to tell you that I flipped through the From Garbage to Gourmet book last night, and I think you guy would find this to be really helpful. It’s a pretty darn comprehensive guide to using up all sorts of food (instead of throwing it out!) Here’s a sample page to give you an idea of what you get:

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The book is almost 200 pages, so you get lots of good avoiding-food-waste help.

And now for a few that I haven’t mentioned yet.

This grouping of books, from the Healthy Lifestyle section has several that I’ve read and loved.

I’m not saying all of them aren’t great, but the ones I can recommend from experience:

  • Money Saving Mom’s 21 Days to a Disciplined Life

Crystal is awfully good at being disciplined and organized, so if you need help with that, check this book out!

  • Sheila Gregoire’s 31 Days book

I thought this was written in a really approachable, doable way…definite thumbs up. By the way, Sheila is a Christian, and that does come through in the book, but she wrote it in a way that people of other beliefs will also find helpful.

  • Tsh Oxenreider’s One Bite at a Time

You probably know Tsh from her blog, Simple Mom. This book gives you a simplifying project to do every week for a year, a concept I really like, because implementing a change every day can get a bit overwhelming.

  • Sarah Mae’s The Unwired Mom

I already owned this ebook, so I read it a few months ago. I was just browsing through it again this morning and was reminded how good it is. If you struggle with the irresistible pull of the internet, you should read this book!

Speaking of time spent online, I really want to sit here and read through more ebooks, but there’s this whole real life thing waiting for me, so I’m gonna go start my day. 😉

The bundle is available only through Saturday, and you can click on the Buy Now button to, well, buy it now.

And in case you are super visual like me (that long text list of the books overwhelms me!), here’s a graphic with pictures of all the books that you get in the bundle.

They’re all PDFs, by the way, so you do NOT need a Kindle or other e-reader to access the books.

(Disclosure: I bought my own bundle. I am not an included author for this sale, but I am an affiliate, which means that a portion of each bundle sold through my posts goes to support this site.)

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