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A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

My blogging time didn’t go quite as planned because while trying to install a Pinterest button on Lisey’s baking side, I broke her site.

And then I fixed it via FTP and broke it again.

And then I fixed it, but was having a problem with this little line of text showing up at the top of the site when it’s not supposed to.

Anyway, that took up a lot of time. As of this typing, the bit of text is still there, but at least the blog is functioning.

(Actually, I think it’s fixed now!! Yay! That is marvy-fab. I mean, it would have been more marvy-fab if I hadn’t broken it in the first place, but I’m awfully happy it’s fixed.)

cook's illustrated chocolate cupcakes

And speaking of Pinterest, I installed a new button here on The Frugal Girl that should make it easier for you to pin things. I didn’t realize my old widget wasn’t working…many apologies.

Fortunately, I managed to install that here without breaking anything. Small miracle.


Remember my Excessive Stash Of Cranberries?

Well, I used two whole bags to make four loaves of cranberry bread to bring to church. Yay me!

Sliced cranberry bread on a platter.

I spent some time painting yesterday…I volunteered to repaint our church’s pulpit, which was in not very great shape.

A pulpit in need of painting.

And I also sprayed a coat of paint onto an old but sturdy music stand that my dad gave to us.

A worn metal music stand.

Both things are now a nice clean black (yup, my pastor wanted black for the pulpit!)


I think that’s it from me for today. I promise I will get a post up with after pictures of Zoe’s bed in the near future, though. And I have a fun giveaway coming up too.

You know, as long as I don’t spend any more time breaking blogs.

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Tuesday 12th of June 2012

    I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who can break a blog! So far I have made mine unable to take comments (fixed now). Spent several frustrating hours trying to figure out how to get Amazon links to work as text (got it). Took a whole afternoon figuring out how to get the Facebook widget to stop cutting off peoples heads. And the list goes on and on...... along with the list of things I have left simple because I can't figure out how to make them look like I would like.


    Thursday 7th of June 2012

    Kristen, I really like your blog and your expressive writing style! You provide a load of valuable information and inspiration and I quite appreciate following along... so THANK YOU!!!


    Thursday 7th of June 2012

    Aww, thanks, Ingrid! I'm so glad you enjoy my blog. :)

    Amanda @ Flour and Lace

    Thursday 7th of June 2012

    That bread looks so delicious! I don't think I can find cranberries at this time of year, so I'll have to settle for some wild berry bread..


    Thursday 7th of June 2012

    You should post some after pics of the pulpit and music stand too!


    Thursday 7th of June 2012

    I will...I'll try to remember to do that when I have daylight. :)


    Thursday 7th of June 2012

    I hope you'll also post afters of the pulpit and music stand. I'd love to see how they look now. Thanks!

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