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A little Goodwill find

As you know, I’ve recently become a pretty big fan of Goodwill(due in part to Katy‘s influence). I’ve found lots of rockin’ stuff for the kids there, but I’ve also found a few things for me.

While it is true that Goodwill has a lot of clothes I wouldn’t be caught dead in, there are usually a couple of gems mixed in, and I’ve been fortunate enough to find a few of those. Incidentally, if you’re on the prowl for hip used clothes, I’d highly recommend checking to see if your thrift store has a junior’s section. At my Goodwill, there are some very fashionable items there that are in like new shape. It makes sense, if you think about it. Teenagers tend to be pretty fickle with their clothing, so they’re quite likely to get rid of something that’s stylish and in good condition merely because they’re bored with it (and I’m quite happy to wear the clothes they were bored with). While some of the clothes there are impossibly small (I don’t think I’ve ever been a size one, even before kids!), a lot of them are middle of the road sizes, and I’ve seen a number of larger junior sizes there too.

At any rate, a couple of months ago, I spied this Ann Taylor skirt. It was practically brand new, and I was delighted to see that it fit me. The price? A hefty $3.


(I apologize for the slightly blurry photo…I have to rely on my 9 year old’s budding camera skills when I need a picture of me!)

I took a quick glance around the Ann Taylor website and it seems like their casual skirts retail for $59 and up, so I feel like $3 was a pretty smokin’ deal. I’m delighted to have another skirt to wear during the summer because I’ve become something of a fan of summer skirts over the last few years…they’re as cool as shorts, more comfortable in my opinion, and they look nice enough that I can wear them when I’m teaching piano (which I can’t say about shorts).

If you’d like to see some other Goodwill/thrift store outfits, you should go check out Angela’s Thrifty Threads series. Angela, who writes My Year Without Spending is always on the lookout for frugal shoppers who will send in pictures of themselves in their used clothing, so if you have a delightful outfit that you’ve bought second-hand, you should so totally go and send a photo to Angela (her email can be found on her profile page). I just emailed a photo to Angela this weekend because my Sunday outfit (which is not this skirt!) happened to be second-hand, and of course, I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m featured. 🙂

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    The Frugal Girl » On letting the other person go first

    Tuesday 23rd of June 2009

    [...] mentioned before that I’ve become a big fan of wearing skirts in the summertime. They’re a lot comfier than shorts (at least to me), and they’re a [...]


    Friday 5th of June 2009

    Beautiful skirt! I find myself having a hard time locating skirts that actually reach my knees. God forbid I walked into church with anything shorter on. But it seems as if that's all they make these days.


    Wednesday 3rd of June 2009

    i love shopping at Goodwill. I found a pair of Crocs for my eight year old son, who's been wanting them for some time now. I wouldn't buy them full price though. Only paid 2.49!!


    Monday 1st of June 2009

    I love finding great deals at Goodwill and yard sales. My son has been wanting Crocs for a while now, but I can't seem to justify the cost. I found a pair of brown Crocs at Goodwill for $2.49!! They fir great and he loves them.


    Monday 1st of June 2009 shouldn't be about being a particular size, but about eating healthy food in the right amounts. If you do that, your body will end up where it's supposed to be, I think, and that will look different for different people. :)

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