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A little summer bucket list check-in

A little girl at the top of a waterslide.
I needed to look at my list again…I’d sort of forgotten a few things on it!

1. Declutter the house from top to bottom, one room at a time.

I started on this, but only a little bit. I did part of Joshua’s room and also my linen closet.

A before and after view of a linen closet after decluttering.

It’s amazing how bad things get in a year.

2. Go swimming or have waterplay (sprinkler, slip n slide) more than once a week.

I am doing fabulously with this goal. In fact, I’ve exceeded it most weeks!

3. Arrange sleepovers, since this is easier to do in the summer.

Joshua had a several-day sleepover with Thomas, but I need to arrange some for the girls.

4. Make homemade slushies with the kids.


5. Visit the library at least every other week.

Yup again…we’ve been faithful library patrons.

6. Go camping again.

No. Because it’s too stinking hot.

7. Write an ebook about keeping Christmas simple.

I, uh, haven’t started on this.

8. Order school curriculum for the coming school year.


9. Make a fire in our backyard fire pit and roast marshmallows over it.

Nope. Again, too hot. Who would want to make a fire right now??

10. Sell/give away the extra electronic junk we have in our office.


11. Teach Zoe to ride her bike without training wheels.

Also too hot for that.

12. Figure out a new chore assignment plan for the kids now that Sonia and Zoe are old enough to do more around the house. Must delegate more.

Now this I could do in the heat!

13. Write a letter to my grandpa each month (he doesn’t have the internet, so I have to do this the old-fashioned way.)

Yes! I did that in June, so now I need to write a July letter.

14. Visit Mr. FG’s grandma and go for a swim in her rooftop pool (we keep wanting to do this but it’s never worked out so far!)

Ooh. I’d kinda forgotten about this. What an excellent idea for a hot day.

15. Make a spur-of-the-moment trip to go get ice cream cones.

We did get spur-of-the-moment slushies. But those are not as good as ice cream.

16. Eat breakfast at the pier.

Too hot.

17. Visit a pick-your-own farm.

Too hot.

This seems to be a theme, no?

18. Maaaaybe paint my kitchen cabinets. Still hemming and hawing on this one.

Yes. Still hemming and hawing.

19. Tackle my pile of clothes that need to be mended/modified/dyed.

I did start on this! I mended a towel and washcloth and took care of two pairs of shorts for Lisey.

20. Get outside to enjoy lovely summer evenings.

There haven’t really been any of those recently! But if the heat breaks, then we will get ourselves outside.

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Laura Vanderkam

Wednesday 11th of July 2012

Love it. I'm keeping a "best summer ever" list of things that are going right. It's a good reminder to check in and see what I'm doing to enjoy myself - and what I'm doing to help my kids enjoy themselves too. In the heat we were sometimes swimming twice a day!

Elaine in Ark

Monday 9th of July 2012

Re: # 18 - I debated for two years about painting my kitchen cabinets. I researched every blog post I could find about it, and every product recommended. I decided I could start with the guest bathroom vanity, as it's the smallest cabinet and would take the least amount of time.

Last week, I started painting my kitchen WALLS. Now I don't need to paint the cabinets! My house has builder's "greige" everywhere (yes, it is as ugly as it sounds), and I chose light aqua for my kitchen walls. I have 2 walls done, and I can't stay out of my kitchen. It's beautiful, really a color I've always wanted to use, but always opted for safe neutrals instead. Even the cabinets look good against it. This is the right choice for me! It's going to take me longer to get it done due to some physical problems, but I don't mind a bit.

You might want to think about making the big color change in your kitchen in a different way.

It's so beautiful! Reminds me of the Isle of Capri.


Monday 9th of July 2012

This hot weather is impossible. Summer is good for completing all things you couldn't to in winter time, but then it gets so hot you can't move an invh without getting all wet and sweaty (sorry about that, but it's true...). I wish us some nice cooler days, and some fresh spring breeze.


Monday 9th of July 2012

What curriculum do you use for your children's homeschooling? We've been homeschooling for several years and I am looking at using something different this year.

Thank you


Monday 9th of July 2012

I haven't started on my list yet, but have a feeling there will also be a theme to mine. Yours is 'Too Hot', mine will be 'Too Wet'...

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