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A little thankful list

Every Thanksgiving, I make a 50-item list of things I’m thankful for, but every now and then, I also write down a random, small list of things I’m currently thankful for.   Because sometimes, a little gratefulness exercise is necessary/helpful thing for me!

raindrop on lemon herb

(Looking for the good is key for my contentment.)

So, here’s a little list of happy/thankful things for today.

Joshua and Lisey’s Relationship

Joshua and Lisey are only 19 months apart, so they’ve been buds from the start, and I love that their teenage selves still enjoy hanging out together.

Joshua and Lisey

My new floors

(Visible in the photo above!)

This project isn’t quite done, because we have to finish the process of refinishing our steps/railings to match the new flooring, but still, the flooring is beautiful and way nicer than our old carpet and I am so thankful that we were able to save up enough money to do this project.

So, I’m trying to remember that instead of thinking about all the sanding/staining/polyurethaning mess/work ahead.   😉

School is nearly done!

Joshua has one math test left, I have a little bit of history to finish up with Sonia and Zoe, and we have to get our end-of-year review done.   But none of that is a terribly big deal, so I practically feel like we ARE done.

I’m unreasonably excited to start decluttering my house (an annual summertime project, because I have more free time in the summer).   And I’m also super excited about having more free time to do all sorts of stuff.

(Reader Laura V. commented yesterday that June is like the Friday night of summer, and she is so right.   It’s the best part because the whole of it is laid out before me, full of wonderful possibilities.)

I got a great Schoola order.

Schoola’s stock tends to run a little bit opposite of the seasons (which makes sense, given that they’re donation-based), so I was able to find a bunch of things for Sonia and Zoe to wear in the fall.


(If you’re new to Schoola, you can use my referral link to get $15 off your first order.   And once you sign up, you can share your referral link with friends to give them discounts as well!)

My fridge is currently organized.

Yesterday I had a fairly obligation-free day, so I spent part of my time using up food from the fridge and I also organized and arranged things better.

(Fridge organization is key in keeping me from wasting food!)

My photo tips are helping people.

Lately a bunch of readers have written to let me know that my photo posts are helping them take much better pictures, and this is making me super happy. Yay!

(You can see all the posts in the Shoot Better series right here.)

Sonia and Zoe

Though their relationship has always been a bit more turbulent than Joshua and Lisey’s, they DO have a lot of fun together, and they come up with some very imaginative games to play with each other.

Sonia and Zoe

Alrighty.   That’s a pretty happy little list of things.


Want to play along?   If you’re feeling like your attitude could use a little perkiness boost, leave a comment with a few thankful/happy things.   It really does help!

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    Mrs. A

    Friday 19th of June 2015

    I hope you got my reply hahaha... But thank you so much and I'm so happy you replied. God bless you :-)


    Saturday 20th of June 2015

    Yep, I did! All the comments come through to my blog dashboard, even comments on older posts, so I always see 'em all. I'm really, really glad my blog blesses you!

    Mrs. A

    Saturday 6th of June 2015

    Things that I thank the Lord:

    - for giving me the strength to move-on from depression when I lost my baby when she was 6 months last year of July. I had a still born she's my first child. - an incredible husband he never left my side until now. - realized little things can make me cheerful. - my husband and I are moving out this September and get an apartment. - blessing us financially but still I need to save up money. - room for improvement. - for your inspiring stories about frugality and a healthy walk with the Lord and as a family. Thank you and I hope to hear from you. God bless you :-)


    Saturday 6th of June 2015

    Oh my gracious, Mrs. A! I am so, so very sorry for your loss. Much love to you.


    Friday 5th of June 2015

    Mainly thankful that I have had enough life experience to know that there is opportunity in every adversity.


    Thursday 4th of June 2015

    Oh so many things to be thankful for. Although we got our wood floors installed last year I am still thankful for them. Thankful that everyone is doing pretty well in our family at the moment and is healthy. Incredibly thanksful for my husband who is likely the best DAD ever!

    Michelle B

    Thursday 4th of June 2015

    Typing out a thankful list is a good way to get me to pause and think. I like to pause and think, so THANK YOU KRISTEN for giving me an excuse to do so!

    - Number one would have to be that I am a child of the King of kings! His grace abounds daily and blessings never cease. - After 7 months of unemployment, my husband has just been hired as VP at large bank! He's pretty awesome! That means we get to keep our cars…and house….eating…….. - All my kids have grown into fabulous adults. Good to see what God can do in spite of human parenting. Once again, grace abounds. - This is the first year I'm able to harvest an abundance of blueberries! After 6 years of a meager amount and having to travel to the local blueberry farm, we finally get to eat and freeze some of our own! yay! - Also from the garden are enough basil and cucumbers to feed the neighborhood. I guess my green beans are what the neighborhood bunnies are having for lunches these days. (Gotta figure out how they're getting under the fence!)

    Hope you all enjoy your little thankful moment today! I sure did!

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