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A park outing (also, why a $40 park membership is so worth it!)

For the last few years I’ve plunked down $40 for an annual membership to our local park system.


Because once I’ve spent the $40, I’m much more motivated to actually go to the park. Something about having to pay for it each time makes me loathe to go, so even if I really only break even by buying the park pass, it’s totally worth it just for the motivation factor.

And really, $40 for a year is pretty darn reasonable.

We’ve been awesome at making the most of our membership this fall…just in the last few weeks, I’ve gone with my sister, done a photo session at the park, and the six of us have spent two Sunday afternoons at two different parks.

This last time, we brought charcoal and grilled.

But we’ve also done a cold, picnic-y meal too.

The company and the outdoor setting matter more than the food, I think.

Doesn’t it crack you up when the kids crouch down to observe something?

Besides offering a lovely place to eat,

and beautiful scenery,

our parks also have great biking/skating/scootering paths,

beautiful beaches (not quite Myrtle Beach, but still nice),

fields to play in,

and playgrounds.

(Mr. FG took this one and I love it!)

It’s very undignified of me, but I play a speed-sliding game with the girls, racing them to see who can get to and go down the slide the fastest.

I’ve never claimed to be dignified anyway.

Zoe on the left in this next one? Totally hilarious.

I love that our kids are at an age where it’s pretty easy to notice a lovely afternoon, pack everyone up, and head out to the park.

Life is good.

And beautiful.

And if you’ve got a park near you, you should go enjoy it! It’s probably some of the cheapest fun you can find.


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    Wednesday 18th of November 2015

    That is so interesting! I live in Georgia and have never heard of having to pay to use a park, other than a state or national park. I have never had to do that. All of our local parks are free of charge, and I am so glad! Although if I had to pay for it it may motivate us to go more frequently too.


    Wednesday 26th of October 2011

    Joshua and Lisey have such similar smiles! I also like that he's got his arm around Zoe in one picture. :-)

    Ana Dziengel

    Wednesday 26th of October 2011

    Great pictures! With all the craziness of ever day life I often forget how nice it is to go out and do something simple and fun with the family. Thanks for the reminder! Ana


    Wednesday 26th of October 2011

    Your area is the only one I've ever been to where you have to pay for parks. Here, all parks are free - both community and state. But, I understand why you pay as it allows for a cleaner atmosphere and a better kept park overall. Glad it's working out for you, and I totally agree that the $40 membership is worth it!


    Tuesday 25th of October 2011

    WOW I hadn't thought about the fact that people pay to go to the park! I won't take them for granted again! Here in NZ just about all our parks/beaches/playgrounds are free, I think (but not 100% sure) that we pay tax and local council rates to keep up the parks. We love going to the park/river/playground and do so very regularly! I LOVE free family outings!


    Tuesday 25th of October 2011

    It's pretty common to pay something for county or state parks in the US. We pay something like $10 for our county park pass (which you really only have to pay if you want to park in the park - if you live close enough to walk, you don't have to pay), and state passes in Ohio usually aren't much more.

    Part of that is because property and income taxes are usually lower compared to places like NZ, so you "see" the park cost more directly!

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