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A taking-care-of-business post

This post isn’t really about frugality…so, my apologies! It’s more about my blog because it has come to my attention that a lot of people are unaware of some of the features on my blog and some of the other places I can be found online. So, I thought I’d do a little post explaining all of that.


My blog has its very own page on Facebook, and if you click the “Like” button, everything I post to my Frugal Girl Facebook page will show up in your news feed. My Facebook page updates whenever there is a new post on The Frugal Girl or on The Frugal Girl 365, and I also share what I’m up to, or what I’m thinking about (most recently, about how children cannot seem to brush their teeth without spreading toothpaste from here to kingdom come!). So, if you want a little bit more personal talk from me(and I do mean a little bit. I promise I won’t flood your feed!), you might want to like my Facebook page.


I also have a Twitter account where I occasionally remember to share my new blog posts. Mostly I share the type of stuff I share on Facebook (though never the same thing in both places). Again, it’s more about what I’m up to than about frugality, though I do sometimes share frugal links or frugal thoughts.

My latest Twitter updates can be found on this blog page too, over to the right of the post.

The Frugal Girl 365

In case you missed it when I posted about this before, I recently started a new daily photo blog called The Frugal Girl 365 (365 because I post a picture every single day of the year). The pictures I post there are mostly little peeks into our daily lives, so if you’re interested in a more personal view of our family, want to see homeschooling in progress, or want to follow our adventures, you might enjoy my photo posts.

Plus, I always have a post up there on Sundays, so if you can’t stand to be Frugal Girl-less every Sunday, you can hop over to the 365 blog to get your fix. 😉

I’ve found the 365 project to be a boatload of fun, so if you’re into photography, I’d encourage you to give this a try. Posting one photo a day is not at all overwhelming to keep up with, and it’s been a good exercise for me to have to limit myself to one photo (well, as you can see in the screen shot, sometimes I smush two photos into one because I just. can’t. pick!).

Email Subscriptions
Did you know that you can get Frugal Girl posts delivered to your email inbox every day? To do this, just click on the Subscribe tab on the top of my blog and enter your email address.

You can also get my 365 posts delivered via email, though you’ll need to subscribe separately for that (I did this so that my Frugal Girl subscribers wouldn’t automatically get my 365 posts. Because impossible as it seems, not everyone loves to look at pictures as much as I do!). To get 365 posts in your inbox, click on over to my 365 blog and enter your email address into the little box on the right side of the page.

How to comment if you’re an email subscriber

If you’re one of my email subscribers and you’d like to join in the comment conversation on my blog (and you should give it a try! I have lots of fun and insightful commenters.), you can click on the blue post title (for today’s post, that would be the “A Taking-Care-Of-Business Post” text). That will take you to my blog page, and you can find the comments at the bottom of the post. Leaving a comment is super easy…you just need to enter your name, your email address (which is not published), and your comment.

If you reply to the emailed blog post, your reply goes straight to me and me alone, so if you’ve got something you want to share with the rest of my readers, clicking through to the blog post is definitely the way to go.


Ok! Hopefully that cleared some things up for some of you (though if you’re still confused about something, feel free to leave a comment with your question!).

If you’re one of my very savvy readers who already knew all of that stuff, I’m sorry. But, I have good news…if you’re wanting more of my blabbering, go over to my review page because there’s a new post up there about what we’ve been doing with our Juicy Rewards, and of course, there’s a new giveaway too!

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