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A two-weeks-left bucket list update

My annual summer bucket list isn’t a list of things I want to do before I die; rather, it’s a list of things I want to do before summer kicks the bucket.

chocolate cookie bears

We start school two weeks from today.   Which means I haven’t got much time left to finish knocking things out on my list.

Plan/Sign Up for 2016-2017 school.

Totally DONE.   Books are here for homeschool, Joshua’s signed up for college classes with books in hand, and Lisey’s tutorial stuff is all taken care of too.

Oh, except I’m waiting to hear what books I need to buy for her two classes.   So I guess I’m not quite done.

Declutter my house.


Sonia and Zoe I tackled their room yesterday, and after 3-4 hours, we can call that job done.   I posted photos on Instagram as we worked, and you can see those photos here, even if you don’t have a smartphone.

Kristen (@thefrugalgirl) • Instagram photos and videos - Mozilla Firefox 8232016 83448 AM

  • my room
  • the living room
  • the kitchen
  • Sonia and Zoe’s room
  • the office (started on this)
  • the laundry room
  • my bathroom
  • the under-stairs closet

Make photo books.

Nothing done here.

My Publisher photo book covers

Make new chore lists.


chore lists

Teach my kids to do their own laundry.


costco laundry detergent


Power-wash and restain the deck.

Powerwashing is done.   Staining, not so much.   But some sunny days in the 80s are promised for this week, so maaaaybe I will get this done.

Paint my front door. And the trim above it.

I painted the trim above the door, but I think I’ve decided to paint the actual door in the fall, when it won’t be such a buggy, hot situation.

So, I’m crossing this off for now.

Paint my mailbox and post, and buy new numbers for it.


mailbox flowers

Paint my shutters.


Paint my laundry room.


unheated laundry room

Get my kids to the pool at least once a week.


Keep my kids supplied with books.


zoe reading


Go see three movies.

Done!   We saw the BFG at a matinee. Then we saw Alice Through The Looking Glass and Finding Dory at the cheap theater.

Based on your feedback, we decided to wait to see The Secret Life of Pets when it hits the cheap theater.


So, I have 3 areas left to declutter (laundry room, under stairs closet, and office), I want to stain my deck and paint my laundry room, and I’d like to do at least one photo book.

I can totally get that done in two weeks.

I think.

If you have a summer bucket list, feel free to share your progress here each month too (and link us up to your bucket list if you blog!)

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    Tam J

    Monday 29th of August 2016

    Great Job Kristen!!


    Wednesday 24th of August 2016

    Well, I had to go back to your June posts and find my own bucket list.... which was : – Get my kids to the pool once a week

    – Read outside, in my lounge chair, under my favorite tree, at least once a week

    – Eat outside more, go for picnics with the kids, spend time in our backyard, BBQ at least once a week

    – Stick to my goal of 300 minutes of exercice per week

    I did not do as good as you. One of my kid went to the pool/lake at least once a week (more actually) as part of camp activities, but the other one didn't (we went maybe 4-5 times during the summer). I am NOW planning to bring the young one once a week......

    I didn't use my lounge chair once!! And it's been put back in storage yesterday, so....

    Can't remember the last BBQ. July?? Yeah....

    I did about 250 minutes of exercice per week, so that's not bad.

    All and all, not so good.... Still a great summer. I did start working full time again this summer so this changes things.

    Brook Hart

    Tuesday 23rd of August 2016

    My plan is completely unrealistic due to car wreck injuries. So the new plan is to utilize the bucket. Perhaps I can prop my feet on it and watch the sun go down. Maybe I will fill it with popcorn and watch a movie. The best thing about bucket plans is you can adjust them accordingly. In an emergency, I will fill it with jelly belly beans and pick out my favorite ones. I guess I have a bucket of lemons so lemonade is next. patience is a virtue. I don't think I have any of it though.

    Kathryn K.

    Wednesday 24th of August 2016

    Love your take on the bucket part of a bucket list but sorry to hear about your injuries that prompted it.


    Tuesday 23rd of August 2016

    Hello Kristen,

    May I request a clear-er picture of the chore list? It will be really helpful since I am working on a chore list :).

    Thank you.

    Kim from Philadelphia

    Tuesday 23rd of August 2016

    Ah, thanks for explaining, Kristen!

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