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A walk in the rain

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Actually, it was more like a walk after the rain. But since the tree leaves hold so much water, it’s still drippy enough for umbrellas even after the rain stops.

a walk in the rain

(Do you like how they’re clearly concerned about keeping their heads dry, but not their feet??)


P.S. By the way, those of you who subscribe via email didn’t get the post I published yesterday, which is 7 Reason You’re Eating Out So Much.

Sorry about that…my email delivery system should have sent it to you, but it didn’t.   So just click on the link above to read the post.

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    Diane C

    Wednesday 1st of July 2015

    We're in year four of drought here in Northern CA. Splashing barefoot in the rain looks heavenly.


    Wednesday 1st of July 2015

    I wish we could send some of our east coast rain over to you guys!


    Tuesday 30th of June 2015

    I only have an iPhone camera, but I do think I have a good eye and really enjoy keeping my eyes open for the unexpected. Looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary.


    Tuesday 30th of June 2015

    And an iPhone is super handy because you almost always have it with you!

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