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A small update

Hey there, guys!

I thought I’d pop in for a sec and give a quick update on Miss Lisey.   She did indeed get her tonsils and adenoids removed yesterday, and she’s home recuperating now.

It’s….a bit rough right now.   Tonsillectomy recovery is surprisingly painful, largely because you can never stop swallowing.


If you have knee surgery, you can reasonably expect to stop using your knee while you recover, but your throat just has to keep. on. swallowing.

It’s hard.

I had mine out when I was 24 (14 years ago now!) and I still remember the pain very well. Which is kind of good, because I can totally sympathize with her.

Lisey has always, always loved fuzzy stuffed animals, so her little stuffed cat has been hanging out with her while she recovers.   😉


She’s not much on talking right now, but luckily, I had a big fat notebook for her, and she’s writing down her half of conversations.

Joshua’s been decorating her pages for her.


tonsillectomy recovery

hoi guy

You might recognize her blanket from that year I made fuzzy blankets for all of my girls.   😉

(Good heavens! That was four years ago already.)

Anyhow.   She’s doing ok, but “doing ok” when you’ve had your tonsils out is still pretty un-awesome.

Prayers for a speedy, uneventful recovery would be quite welcome.

I think I’ll be here with a grocery/menu report tomorrow, but if not, you’ll know where I am (busy talking Lisey into drinking, drinking, drinking!)

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    Saturday 21st of May 2016

    Also, I hope you're feeling better, Lisey! And I hope you're getting some rest, too, Kristen!


    Saturday 21st of May 2016

    I was 24 when I had mine removed, too. I was allergic to the anesthesia and projectile vomiting for a week. Pain. I finally convinced the surgeon that something was wrong and got some phenergan (sp?), but by that time all of the foods I could eat were repulsive to me (I still can't eat chicken broth). It was one of the low points in my life, but it's really nice to not get strep five times a year!

    Library Momma

    Friday 20th of May 2016

    I was 26! It was AWEFUL as you and so many readers said. Poor babe! I had a terrible reaction to the pain med and kept throwing up so not fun! I can't believe they are in and done in less than a day now! I'm not sure if that is good or bad. Take care!


    Friday 20th of May 2016

    Yeah, it was a pretty dreadful experience as an adult. The doctor said she's supposed to recover a bit faster than I did, and I really hope that's true!


    Friday 20th of May 2016

    Prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery!

    Friday 20th of May 2016

    Get well soon! I had mine removed - remember it well x


    Friday 20th of May 2016

    It's one of those things that's kind of unforgettable! In a not-that-great kind of way. ;)

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