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A word from Confucius

Food Waste Friday is at Simply Being Mum today.

Joshua’s 365 post: Funion

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Friday 25th of January 2013

    Well, well. Just yesterday I was reading some notes of what pastor David Wilkerson was saying about money issues in his prophetic book from seventies, that very well sounds like our time- Wilkerson told to 'work and pray to be able to be ready for attacks against your budgets...' He also said something about depts. You quess.


    Friday 25th of January 2013

    Don'tcha just love Confucius? I do! "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." This has got to be one of my all time faves... but...oh there are so many... "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." I'll stop there!

    Food Waste Friday sure is over at mine. Guess who has cake mixture to confess to? Inadvertently ground black pepper into the wrong bowl. Perhaps Confucius should have also said "Do not place beaten eggs for Hubby's omelette next to bowl containing mixture for a time-critical Birthday cake!" Fortunately Braveheart was on the kitchen TV last night I had Mel Gibson as company until well past midnight as I rectified my error.


    Sunday 27th of January 2013

    I have a recipe for pepper cookies. I think they also have cloves and cinnamon. Just a thought that sometimes the wrong spice can still be used. Especially if all the ingredients are mixed. It's worth a shot to try. There are recipes w pepper mixed w cinnamon or chocolate.


    Friday 25th of January 2013

    The word "economize" has gotten a bad rap. But really, it simply means to avoid waste and/or reduce expenditures. Both wealthy and poor, alike, could benefit themselves and Earth by economizing.


    Friday 25th of January 2013



    Friday 25th of January 2013

    Ah Yes Confucius, what a wise man indeed. He said so many wise things. More wise things even than all those ascribed to Andy Rooney, or any of those other "Wise men" of modern day "Wisdom"! I remember giving a speech once when all the lights in the hall went out. I asked everyone to please raise their hands. Amazingly all the lights came back on again! When I was asked later why and how raising our hands had made the lights come back on I of course quoted Confucius, "Many hands make light work."


    Friday 25th of January 2013

    That is fantastic.

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