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About the sewing machine thing…

When I posted my summer bucket list, a lot of you noticed I put down, “Teach the girls how to use the sewing machine.”

And you’ve wondered why only the girls are learning, thinking maybe I feel that sewing is only for girls.

But I promise you that is not the case.

I have nooo problem doing things that are stereotypically men’s work (faucet installation, appliance repair, etc.)

That’s where the whole, “You don’t need whiskers to do that!” thing came from! 😉

removing old faucet


And I have no problem with men doing things that are stereotypically women’s work.

If you’re good at something or have an interest in it or you just flat out need to do it, then who cares what the stereotyped gender is for that role?


Lisey and Sonia, my two craftiest kids, have been asking to learn how to use the sewing machine and this summer I’m gonna try to make time to teach them.

Joshua and Zoe haven’t been clamoring to use it, and since I’m not of the opinion that sewing machine skills are a super-duper necessary survival skill (You can do a lot of small mending by hand), I’m probably not going to push it unless they show an interest.

On the other hand, they ARE all going to learn to cook this summer.   😉

Lisey's first pizza

Lisey’s first pizza!

And they all sweep, clean bathrooms, fold laundry, declutter, vacuum, and wash dishes.

So yeah…the sewing machine thing has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with interest (or lack thereof!)

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    Friday 3rd of July 2015

    I've just always tried to keep the attitude, "if other people can do it, so can I". In other words, it takes no super powers to cook, sew,'s just a matter of trying and then practice to get good at it. I've never told anyone this, but I also applied this thought to first-time childbirth and parenting! It's a comforting attitude, really.

    Lisey, your pizza literally makes me want a piece for breakfast! GREAT job!


    Thursday 2nd of July 2015

    I will forever be grateful to my in-laws for (among other things) teaching my husband how to manage a home (budgeting, cooking, cleaning, home repairs). My mother-in-law taught my husband how to sew badges onto his Boy Scout uniform...and now he is the go-to button guy in our house ;) he says he fine-tuned his skills in dental school learning how to do sutures, but I still credit his mother! I completely agree- having a desire and willingness to learn new things is a crucial life skill. I have been reading your blog for a long time and I always enjoy! Thanks for sharing!

    Linda Sand

    Thursday 2nd of July 2015

    My MIL thought sewing, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. were all skills all people should have. Came in handy when my husband decided he wanted a down sleeping bag so made his own. I love that he can take care of me and the household things when I'm sick.


    Thursday 2nd of July 2015

    Anytime you want to send Lisey over to cook..... ;) Her pizza looks simply amazing :D I'm excited to see what the other kids end up making!


    Thursday 2nd of July 2015

    I know, right? She made such a round pizza!


    Thursday 2nd of July 2015

    Thanks so much for clarifying that! I thought it was your blog where you did repair and other things that some people think require whiskers. I think that is why I was so surprised and sad to see that you were going to teach "the girls" to sew. I appreciate your clarification. I felt so bad posting and knowing I was bumbling my words badly. I DO think you are an awesome mom and great example to your kids. That's why it seemed out of character. BUT I can totally respect following your kids passions. As long as they know they have equal opportunities to try things that interest them with support, I'm sure they'll do just fine! As always, love your blog. You seem like a very real, kind-hearted person and I appreciate your writing from the heart! Best wishes to you. :)


    Thursday 2nd of July 2015

    Oh no, I wasn't offended! But I just wanted to make sure that I clarified what I was doing and why. :)

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