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About vegetable peelers (yes, really)

(This post isn’t sponsored, just so ya know!)

review of top vegetable peelers

I actually AM writing a post entirely about vegetable peelers.

(We should not be surprised, given that I devoted an entire post to a ladle before.   And one to a funnel.)

I got a Good Grips veggie peeler as a wedding gift, and after years of service, it was starting to get pretty dull.

I discovered this when I tried to peel a butternut squash.   This is a slightly difficult task with a good peeler, but with a dull one, it’s positively Herculean.

So, I consulted with Cook’s Illustrated (because of COURSE) and they recommended two peelers.

The winner was a Kuhn Rikon peeler, which sells for a mere $3 (assuming you buy a 3-pack) and the second in line was a Messermeister peeler, which costs $9.

fg peeler review

Since I was curious about both options, and since I sometimes need more than one peeler, I bought both varieties, and I’ve been using them for the last few years.

What do I think of them?

Kuhn-Rikon Peeler

The Kuhn Rikon peeler works ridiculously well.   It peels butternut squash and mangoes like nobody’s business, two items my old peeler struggled with. And it works great for potatoes as well.

review of top vegetable peelers

The design is a little odd, requiring you to pull the peeler rather than pushing it, but I quickly got used to the new mechanics.   I actually think the pulling vs. pushing motion is part of what makes this peeler work so well.

kuhn rikon peeler

(Although, interestingly enough, I saw lots of photos online of people pulling this peeler toward themselves.   That feels completely awkward to me!)

The only downside is that the blade of this peeler came coated with a really thin black finish, which starts to flake off in short order.   Without the coating, the carbon steel blade rusts easily, so I have to hand wash the peeler and dry it right away.

This isn’t a huge deal, but if you don’t want to baby your peeler, it might be a deal-breaker.

On the other hand, carbon steel is supposed to stay sharp longer, so if longevity is a big concern for you, you might be willing to give the bit of extra care this peeler requires.

I bought the 3-pack of peelers on Amazon because for some odd reason, you can get a 3-pack in red, green, and yellow, for the same price as a single purple one.

This does come in a stainless-steel version for $12.95, so if you’re trying to swear off plastic, you can still get this peeler.

Messermeister Peeler

The Messermeister peeler is a more traditional design, so you push the peeler away from you as you work.   It’s got a good sharp blade, and solid construction, though, so it’s been working very well for me.

messermeister peeler

And since the blade is stainless steel, you can throw it right into the dishwasher with nary a concern.

I bought a single peeler, but I see that they now offer a 3-peeler set for $14.95, which is a great deal when you consider that a single peeler costs $8.

messermeister peeler review

(Though I should point out that the three-pack is three different varieties of peelers, which might not be exactly what you want.)

So. Both options are good choices.

If you want easy care, get the $8 Messermeister.

If long-term sharpness is more important to you and you don’t mind hand-washing, though, the $8 3-pack of Kuhn-Rikon peelers is super hard to beat.

And thus endeth a 600-word post on vegetable peelers.


Amazon links are affiliate links. This post is not sponsored, I bought my peelers with my own money, and Messermeister and Kuhn Rikon have no idea I exist.

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    Saturday 22nd of February 2020

    SAVE THE PEELERS! Jeezy Peezy to save your peeler and avoid hurting yourself in the process of peeling a butternut squash:

    Prick the skin all over. The best thing I have found to do this is an ice pick. It needs to be something sharp to easily get through the skin. Those turkey trussing skewers would work too but an ice pick with a sharp point is easier to hold onto and makes fast work of it. You don't need to go deep into the squash, just enough to pierce the skin.

    Put the squash in the microwave for three minutes on high. Maybe two minutes if it's a small squash (Who has ever seen a small butternut squash?) The short amount of microwave time isn't going to cook it to any significant degree.

    Let it cool for a couple few minutes until it's cool enough to handle. (This isn't time sensitive. Come back to it an hour later if you want.) Slice off the ends and have at it with your peeler. The softened skin from the microwave treatment will peel MUCH easier. It will no longer be akin to trying to peel a bowling ball with a butter knife.


    Wednesday 30th of March 2016

    Hey! I wanted to stop by and say thank you for the reviews on these! Our Vegetable peeler bit the dust right before christmas and when this happens I will usually do one of two things: 1) give up and make due with a knife or something ridiculous for much too long, and/or 2) go stand in front of the utensil isle at the store for much too long and then just pick one at random (that will then break soon). NOT THIS TIME!!! I hopped onto your site, ordered the one that could go through the dishwasher (no one has time to wash anything in this house) and I have been loving it! Thank you for reviewing something so minimal as veggie peelers!


    Wednesday 30th of March 2016

    Yay! So happy that the peeler is working out well for you.


    Friday 20th of November 2015

    I can understand why you would devote an entire post to vegetable peelers. We seem to wear those out, and can openers are the same way. :) A good one makes cooking so much easier.


    Wednesday 18th of November 2015

    My grandmother died in 1984 when I was a graduate student living in an apartment in NYC. I ended up with her peeler - a basic red plastic handled peeler (brand name: Westmans) I am still using it!!!! At some point - maybe around 10 years ago I thought I would try a new one and bought an Oxo black handled one. Did not like it and went back to my grandmother's and am happily using it daily!


    Wednesday 18th of November 2015

    oops - make that WestMARKs, not Westmans


    Monday 16th of November 2015

    OK, this will really blow your mind and I'm pretty sure I saw or heard this tip on America's Test Kitchen. I always assumed peelers like the Good Grips had double blades so they would work for lefties or righties. But no . . .

    What they suggested is that you peel BOTH toward and away! Mind blowing, right??? I lay the carrot actually parallel to my body so I'm peeling right to left and left to right, back and forth without ever lifting the peeler from the carrot. It goes REALLY fast that way! It was not sharp enough to attempt that with the butternut squash, though.

    My 10+year old GG is OK, I peeled a butternut squash with it just this week and it wasn't difficult, just not exactly easy, either. I would like a better blade, but would not be happy with something that flakes into my food or rusts easily.


    Monday 16th of November 2015

    Oh, interesting! I'll have to try that.

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