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Abundance and Lack

“Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities.

It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend…

when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives,

but are grateful for the abundance that’s present,

(love, health, family, friends, work,
the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure)

the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth.”

-Sarah Ban Breathnach


Psst…a Baking With Lisey post is up!


Today’s 365 post: On my lap

Joshua’s 365 post: I HAD to take this one!

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Elsa Pla

Wednesday 21st of March 2012

Seven years ago I started to create my own Illustrated Discovery Journal inspired by Sarah's books/work. My ever-growing journal contains collages, quotes, photos, and reflections on who I am, what I believe in, and the million things I'm thankful for. It's a labor of love and gratitude that I hope to bequeath to my children and grandchildren someday. I love your photograph symbolizing the parallel realities.


Wednesday 21st of March 2012

I love this. Earlier this week, I had a bout of self pity and this quote is perfect. I always feel so much better when I look at the abundance in my life. Thank you for posting!


Wednesday 21st of March 2012

Unfortunately enough, *I* had a bout of self-pity the day I posted this! =P


Tuesday 20th of March 2012

I LOVE this! Thank you for sharing :)

Laura Vanderkam

Tuesday 20th of March 2012

Yep, happy people are pretty sure they have enough. If they want more of something, they know they can probably figure out a way to get it, but they also know that what they have is pretty good too.


Tuesday 20th of March 2012

thanks I needed this - lately I've been focusing on what's missing - my parents, friends close by, lack of a husband, lack of time - instead of focusing on what I do have and being grateful. And I do have a lot.

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