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AE gift card, free deck furniture, half off an entree…it’s Five Frugal Things!

1. I saved on a gift card from Sixth Continent.

I got a PR email from this company, which saves you money on gift cards.   There’s a sign-up bonus, which means that immediately after you open your account, you have enough points and credits to get a $25 gift card for $15.90.

Lisey needed some jeans from American Eagle, so I selected that gift card and got it ordered. Within a few days, it showed up and now Lisey is ready to shop!

(If you want to sign up, click on my referral link and you’ll get the same immediate credits and points I did.)

2. I got free deck furniture!

You know how I was hoping to get some furniture for the deck this summer, but I didn’t get around to it?

Well, that worked out nicely because my parents were buying some new furniture for their screened-in porch (they wanted something without cushions for use near the pool).

And it just so happens that their old furniture fits on our deck perfectly.

We’ve been able to use it just a little bit this fall, but we are looking forward to enjoying it a whole lot next year.

Thank you, parents!

3. We got a buy one, get one half off deal on a date night.

Remember the gift cards I found when I was cleaning off my desk?

Well, I happened to get an email from one of those restaurants with a buy one, get half off one entree deal too! Which made the gift cards go a little further.

Stacked discounts make for a happy Kristen.

4. Mr. FG fixed the printer.

It got a paper jam, and even after the paper was removed, the printer jam light remained lit. I tried a bajillion things suggested by internet tutorials (including shaking it upside down!), but no luck.

I was ready to give up (the printer has outlasted its estimated life already), but Mr. FG dug a little deeper and found a twisty tie down inside the printer. Once he removed it, the printer started working again.


So, the printer lives to see another day, thanks to Mr. FG.

5. I did a little couponing at CVS.

I got a random free Sunday paper in my driveway, so I clipped some coupons, matched them with sales at CVS, and downloaded a few electronic coupons in the CVS app.

So, I got these nine items for $10, which made me happy! That’s just a little over a dollar an item.

I’m not generally much of a couponer these days, since I prefer to buy most of my stuff at Aldi. But Aldi isn’t an amazing spot for toiletries, so I like to keep an eye out for deals elsewhere.

Your turn! Share your own Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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    Monday 12th of November 2018

    I feel like I've needed to spend a lot lately so don't feel that frugal but.. 1. did get a small discount & free delivery on a new fridge/freezer & i picked one that was white not pretty stainless steel as it was $200 cheaper, with a good energy rating & I got a bottom mount freezer as I don't need a big fridge space but I do like to freeze things. 2. A plumbing leak that looked like it would be really bad expensive turned out to be quick to fix & not expensive - yay! 3. I carefully checked my tax refund info & found a miscalculation on what I had paid in advance so I will call them & I have my receipt so should get more back - so glad I learned to check receipts! 4. Went to went shopping & was really intentional & bought only those items I've been looking out for 5. Frugal fail - bought chocolate on sale I don't need (but I do...)


    Thursday 8th of November 2018

    Hi Kristen, I joined sixth continent through your link & did that amazon GC deal & it went through just fine but I just got an email saying they refunded my purchase of the GC & I didn't request it. Isn't that kind of strange? I really liked that deal.

    Ruby Camara

    Friday 9th of November 2018

    Hi Barbara, I'm Ruby, the Customer Service Manager for SixthContinent. I wrote you an email reply yesterday. Please check it and for any other questions at all, please let me know!


    Wednesday 7th of November 2018

    I, too, fixed a vacuum cleaner today. I want to know which idiot thought shards of broken mirror and stalks should be sucked up. Most of our meals have been eaten at home. I can't remember anything that spelled more savings.


    Wednesday 7th of November 2018

    I really like your new deck furniture! What do you do with it when it rains or during the winter?


    Wednesday 7th of November 2018

    So, our current plan is to just store the cushions inside in the laundry room. I mean, technically they're outdoor cushions, but usually those things don't last that long in the rain and sun!


    Tuesday 6th of November 2018

    1. I swung by Marshalls to pick up doggie waste bags as I was running low and they have the best prices in our area. The only package I could find in the entire store was a clearances pack of pink bags with unicorns on them. It's a good thing my hubby isn't afraid to use pink doggie doo bags. Plus...they were only $4 for over 300 bags which is a great price. 2. Working on creating a bed spread for our new bed. We just bought our first home and the master is large enough to fit a king size bed. (We have been using a queen for several years) so I am going to use my fabric stash to sew my own bed spread!! 3. Traded $50 worth of ibotta for an Amazon gift card. Used it towards purchasing joint supplements for our senior dog as well as a posture corrector that has been recommended to me by my chiropractor. Nice to not have to pay out of pocket for needed items.

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