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Affordable | Not Affordable (plus get free nail polish!)

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Yesterday, these two came in the mail together.

ikea vs. arhaus

I thought this was a funny combo…super cheap furniture and super expensive furniture.

I’m not quite sure how I got onto Arhaus’s mailing list because I don’t think I’m really their target audience.

($1800 for a cabinet that’s not even solid wood?)

I don’t mind paying more for things that are well-made, but if I’m going to buy a piece whose bones are “engineered hardwood”, I’d kind of like to pay Ikea prices for it.   😉


In unrelated news, I got en email recently about Julep, a subscription-based beauty service whose main offering is toxin-free nail polish.

That piqued my interest because I have three girls who kind of adore nail polish, so I’m definitely interested in trying something less noxious.

The first box you order is completely free (save a $2.99 shipping fee), so a Summer Nights Welcome Box is on its way to my house.

I’ll let you know how we like it!

You are free to cancel after you receive your first free box and if you want to continue after that, the subscription is $24.99, or you can pre-pay for three months at a rate of $19.99/month.

(I’m not sure I use enough beauty supplies to keep up with a box every month, even with three girls in the house.)

But even if that’s the case for you too, do at least go get your free Summer Nights Welcome Box!

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    Thursday 7th of August 2014

    Did you get your Julep box yet? I got mine today. Very unhappy cause all 3 of the polishes are ugly colors. One is off white - basically the same color as my skin, the second is an odd shade of bubble gum pink that looks like something my 4 year old niece would like but I don't, and the other is a really unattractive metallic brownish green. I feel like they were colors they couldn't sell so they are giving them away. Not a smart idea if they want me to actually sign up for the service! LOL They also sent eyeliner, which I don't wear. Anyway, the bottles are really small and as near as I can tell this is larger than their normally $25/month box, so for me definitely not worth it. Sad, I was really looking forward to it. Guess I'm back to buying Revlon!


    Thursday 31st of July 2014

    Another option is Piggy Paint whose slogan is "natural as mud". They also have nail polish remover. I buy both the polish & remover at Walmart for my daughter.

    Here's the link to their site for info

    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Thursday 31st of July 2014

    A friend of mine introduced me to online sweepstakes,that's why I keep on getting email from Julep but I didn't do anything about it but checking their website it seems they have a lot of varieties to choose from. Let's us know how you like it.

    Jennifer N

    Thursday 31st of July 2014

    I'm about to receive my third monthly box from Julep, and so far I really like their products. Their nail polish still has a smell, but in my experience it's not nearly as bad as regular nail polish. They have a lot of other beauty products to choose from as well (and the boxes can be customized). This month's box will include eye shadow and liner in neutral shades, and I added on some mascara at a nice discount (because I am completely out.) I don't wear a lot of make-up or nail polish, but so far I'm enjoying the boxes. It is important to me to try limit the amount of toxins my skin is exposed to, and I love that Julep makes this easy.

    Diane C

    Thursday 31st of July 2014

    I'd check out the Jenna Hipp Five Free Nail Polish assortment at Costco. It's a gift box of eight mini (.16 oz) polishes plus a cute nail file. There are two fun color assortments to choose from and the mini bottles are very small-finger-friendly. Regularly 9.99, currently on sale for 7.99. There's an article about it in the Costco Connection this month. You can look it up on line. I'd go this route before I'd sign up for a subscription. It's less money up front and no shipping fee or potentially messy obligations in the future.

    Hmmm, I just bought a box for my tootsies which I haven't opened yet. As I write this, I'm reminded that my niece loves pink. I think I just talked myself into spending eight more bucks. Way to go, Diane! OTOH, I'll save it for Christmas and it fits nicely in the budget.

    Note: Five Free refers to the things commonly found in nail polish that are not used in these. It say's they're "eco-friendly", but can any nail polish truly be? At least it's an improvement over the standard stuff.


    Thursday 31st of July 2014

    I'm fond of the red polish for my toes. I'm just saying...

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