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“Are you ready for Christmas?”

People keep asking me that question when I’m out and about.

And I’m sorry to say that as of this moment, the answer is no.

And I thought that if you are in the same boat, you might be encouraged to see where I’m at.

I have presents purchased, but exactly ZERO of them are wrapped.

unwrapped Christmas presents

I spent all day yesterday making pajama pants with Sonia, Zoe, and their cousin, so my floors are sprinkled with fuzz and thread.

messy dining room

The pants turned out super cute though. 🙂

pajama pants

messy couch

My kitchen counters are all pretty cluttered and my fridge is basically a tragedy inside.

kitchen counter

And I accidentally didn’t finish my grocery shopping for today’s and tomorrow’s meals, so I have to go to Costco today. Ha.


It’s 9:30 am.

I totally have time, right?

Are YOU ready for Christmas?

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Saturday 28th of December 2019

Patricia- I'm with you. I work in retail and never ask this question because we're all at different places in time and this time of year isn't good for many. So, I start conversations in other ways with customers.... I'm a planner by nature and everything was done in advance. It helped that I didn't put up a tree, tho. DH raided the wrapping stash and I knew that I didn't have any paper left but he didn't know that. And he didn't want to buy any, so my gift was wrapped in birthday paper. Well, it's someone's birthday, right?


Saturday 28th of December 2019

I totally related to this post but I was so behind on my Christmas I didnโ€™t have time to reply! Lol!!! On Christmas I still had no presents wrapped or cookies baked. Somehow most everything got done and what didnโ€™t get done No one noticed!


Thursday 26th of December 2019

I was ready for Christmas because wrapped presents, a clean and clutter free house, perfect meal, etc are not requirements for commemorating the birth of Jesus! I've yet to hear a Christian sermon that says any of these things are required for Christmas! Was my house ready for a glamour shot for a Christmas article? No. I spent most of Christmas Eve morning consoling a friend who had lost a loved one. I'm not wasting any time stressing on things that aren't really that important. Remember the reason for the season.


Thursday 26th of December 2019

As usual your willingness to show us real, messy life is refreshing. My life is messy in every way, with healing happening and messes still being figured out. We all have messes and it helps to share! Our Christmas this year was quiet. We have a family rule that Christmas Day is for our immediate family only (just the five of us: Me, hubby, and three little kids). So we have no visitors or obligation of going anywhere, which I LOVE. Somehow this year, we had the best Christmas we've had in years. It was so pleasant and happy and free from squabbles or stress. My children played extremely well with their gifts and with each other, and the day was just so splendidly joyous in a simple, quiet way. Eggnog, Christmas movies in the background, simple yummy food, Christmas lights, staying in jammies all day. But that isn't because I know how to perfectly make that happen. It was a combination of learning from our mistakes in past years, and also the stars sort of aligning. And honestly I wonder if it was a "fluke" that it went so well.:-( I did manage to get my presents wrapped, BUT it was literally only because I stayed up half the night on three nights in a row in order to do it. So yes, they got wrapped but I'm not sure staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning is a good choice because then I'm a zombie and that isn't good for my family.

I did have several things I wanted to do that I Never Got To, though. I had to find the serenity to let go of some things on my list that I wanted to do. They can wait till next year. My children are happy about the things we did do. They don't even know about the things we DIDN'T do, so they can't be unhappy about not doing them. And we certainly didn't do anything big or complicated! There were no professional photos taken, no complicated crafts, no fancy meals. We decorated our tree as a family, decorated our house with our hodgepodge of old and handmade decorations, made gingerbread houses from a dollar store kit, strung some cranberries on thread, attended church services and a school party, made sugar cookies (from a mix) with grandma, etc, etc. Simple easy stuff. And it happened over a few weeks so I certainly didn't get it all done quickly. ALL my gifts were bought online, because I've reconciled myself to the fact that I can't think well in a store environment. Online works better for me and I end up buying less, actually. And I'm proud of myself this year that I actually stuck to my guns about getting my kids gifts that encourage creativity, instead of the latest stuff (another great thing about not having TV- no commercials so they can't ask for the latest popular toys :))

Hope everyone is enjoying their Day After Christmas!

Elizabeth MacLeod

Thursday 26th of December 2019

I'm reading this on Boxing Day but my answer would have been NO I was absolutely not ready and you know what, it didn't matter. This year I didn't panic like I usually do and I didn't run out to the stores at the last minute and it turned out to be OKAY. I actually used up some food from my freezer because I didn't go get the few things I needed. You would have been sooo proud of me Kristen! I stayed home and made bread for all my neighbours instead and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I took bread to a neighbour that I don't usually visit very much and we had a lovely chat. I really learned a valuable lesson this Christmas from NOT being ready and I won't panic on Christmas Eve again and instead I will do what is truly important and that's sharing and caring. Sounds a little/lot corny but it sure did ring true for me. Happy New Year Kristen and thanks for making such a tremendous difference in my life since I found your blog many moons ago!!


Thursday 26th of December 2019

Aww, great job at using up food from your freezer, especially on a holiday!

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